Pearl's A Singer chords
by Elkie BrooksSong Key: C Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 60 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar Chords: C, F, G, G7, Am, D, D7, Dm7, E7
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Pearl's A Singer
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyIntro: 4/4 C 1. Pearls a sing-er F She stands up when she plays the pi-a-no C F C In a | night-club | | C Pearls a sing-er F She sings songs for the lost and the lone-ly G Her job is en-ter-tain-ing folks Dm7 F Sing-ing songs and tell-ing jokes C F C In a | night-club | | C 2. Pearls a sing-er F And they say that she once was a win-ner C F C In a con - test | | C Pearls a sing-er F And they say that she once cut a re-cord G They played it for a week or so Dm7 F On the lo-cal ra-di-o C F C It nev-er | made it | | G F C G Bridge: She want-ed to be Bet-ty | Gra-ble | / / / | Am D7 G G7 F But now she sits there at that beer stained | ta-ble / / | E7 Am G F Dream-ing of the things she | ne-ver got to | do | D7 F C F C All those dreams that ne - ver came | true - | | C 3. Pearls a sing-er F She stands up when she plays the pi-a-no C F C In a | night-club | | C Pearls a sing-er F She sings songs for the lost and the lone-ly G Her job is en-ter-tain-ing folks Dm7 F Sing-ing songs and tell-ing jokes C C In a | night-club | 𝄑 | C 4. Pearls a sing-er F She stands up when she plays the pi-a-no C F C In a | night-club | | C Pearls a sing-er F She sings songs for the lost and the lone-ly G Her job is en-ter-tain-ing folks Dm7 F Sing-ing songs and tell-ing jokes... C F C In a | night-club | | 𝄑 |
Song Details:
- Songwriters: Jerry Leiber, Mike Stoller, Ralph Dino, John Sembello
- Lyrics Begin: Pearls a singer, she stands up when she plays the piano,
- Performing Artists Elkie Brooks
- Single:
Recorded: 1976
Released: 25 February 1977
B-side: ou Did Something for Me - Genre: Blues rock, Soft rock
- Album: Two Days Away
Recorded: 1976
Released: 1977 (UK)
Elkie Brooks

- Elkie Brooks was born Elaine Bookbinder on February 25, 1945 in Broughton, Salford, Lancashire, England.
- Music Styles: pop, rock, blues and jazz
- Instruments - vocals, piano and keyboards.
- Well known for her powerful husky voice
- Active Years: Performing since 1960
- Career Associations: Vinegar Joe, Robert Palmer, Humphrey Lyttelton, Dada, Wet Willie, Cat Stevens, and Chris Farlowe.
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