A Little Good News chords
by Anne MurrayKey: C Major with a key change to C# Major
Key Signature - C Major: No sharps or flats
Key Signature - C# Major: 7 sharps (F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#, B#)
Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)
Tempo: 71 bpm (Adagio)
Vocal Range: A3 - Bb5
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Intermediate
Chords in C Major: C, Dm, F, F/G, G, Am
Chords in C# Major: C#, D#m, F#, F#/G#, G#, G#7, A#m (Bbm)
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

A Little Good News
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyC F C F Intro: 4/4 | | | | | C F F/G 1. I rolled out this morn-ing the kids had the morn-ing news show on C Am Bry-ant Gum-bel was talk-ing 'bout the fight-ing in Leb-a-non F C Some sen-a-tor was squawk-ing a-bout the bad e-con-o-my Am F G It's gon-na get worse you see, we need a change in po-li-cy C F F/G 2. There's a lo-cal pa-per rolled up in a rub-ber band C Am One more sad story's one more than I can stand F C Just once how I'd like to see the head-line say Am F G Not much to print to-day, can't find noth-ing bad to say, be-cause C F G Chorus: No-bo-dy robbed a li-quor store on the lo-wer part of town C F G No-bo-dy OD'd no-bo-dy burned a sin-gle build-ing down C F Dm No-bo-dy fired a shot in an-ger no-bo-dy had to die in vain C G C We sure could use a lit-tle good news to-day C F C# F# | (day) | |(key change)| | C# F# F#/G# 3. I'll come home this eve-ning I bet that the news will be the same C# A#m Some-bo-dy takes a host-age some-bo-dy steals a plane F# C# How I wan-na hear the an-chor man talk a-bout a coun-ty fair A#m F# G# And how we cleaned up the air, how ev'-ry-bo-dy learned to care, whoa tell me C# F# G# Chorus: No-bo-dy was ass-ass-i-na-ted in the whole third world to-day C# F# G# And in the streets of Ire-land all the child-ren had to do was play C# F# D#m And ev'-ry bo-dy loves ev'-ry-bo-dy in the good old U.S.A. C# G# C# G#7 We sure could use a lit-tle good news to-day C# F# G# Chorus: No-bo-dy robbed a li-quor store on the lo-wer part of town C# F# G# No-bo-dy OD'd no-bo-dy burned a sin-gle build-ing down C# F# D#m No-bo-dy fired a shot in an-ger no-bo-dy had to die in vain C# G# C# We sure could use a lit-tle good news to-day...
- You can also play F# as a barre chord using the E shape with the barre on the 2nd fret. This works well in the choruses when playing from F# to G# (same shape).
- F/G means play an F chord leading with a G bass note
- F#/G# means play an F# chord leading with a G# bass note
- You don't have to play the F/G and F#/G#, but they do add a nice touch.
- If you are using an F barre chord, simply use your 3rd finger to cover strings 5 & 6 to include the bass note - same applies to F#.
- A#m & Bbm are exactly the same chord. They are 'enharmonic' which is a note, chord or key signature which is equivalent to another note, chord or key signature... A#m (A# - C# - E#) = Bbm (Bb - Db - F)... (A#=Bb), (C#=Db), (E#=F)
- We write A#m because of the Key signature - C# Major which consists of 7 sharps in the key signature (all sharp notes)
- The Bbm chord chart has been used in this song as it will be familiar to most guitarists. This can be helpful for musicians who might be more accustomed to seeing Bbm rather than A#m.