A Scottish Soldier chords

by Andy Stewart

Song Key: Eb Major

Time Signature: 3/4

Tempo: 90bpm

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner 

Guitar Chords in D Major: D, A, A7, G, E, E7

Capo: 1st fret (to play along with the video in Eb Major)

Chord Chart Legend
D Major A Major A7 G Major E Major E7
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
D Major-LH A Major-LH A7-LH G Major-LH E Major-LH E7-LH

A Scottish Soldier

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
              D    G    D    G    D    G    A
Intro: 3/4 |    /    |    /    |    /    |     |

1. There was a sol-dier, a Scot-tish sol-dier
                 A             A7         D
   Who wan-dered far a-way and sol-diered far a-way
   There was none bold-er, with good broad shoul-der
                  A                 A7         D
   He's fought in ma-ny a fray, and fought and won
   He'd seen the glo-ry and told the sto-ry
              A              A7        D
   Of battles glo-ri-ous and deeds vic-to-ri-ous
   But now he's sigh-ing, his heart is cry-ing
                  A           A7    D
   To leave these green hills of Ty-rol

                       G                   D
Chorus: Be-cause these green hills are not high-land hills
               A              A7          D
        Or the is-land hills, they're not my land's hills
                    G                    D
        And fair as these green fo-reign hills may be                𝄐
                 A              A7   D      G    D    G    D    G    A
        They are not the hills  of | home /    |    /    |    /   |     |

2. And now this sol-dier, this Scot-tish sol-dier
                 A             A7         D
   Who wan-dered far a-way and sol-diered far a-way
   Sees leaves are fal-ling and death is cal-ling
               A              A7       D
   And he will fade a-way, in that far land
   He called his pi-per, his trus-ty pi-per
                A                A7       D
   And bade him sound a lay... a pi-broch sad to play
   U-pon a hill-side, a Scot-tish hill-side
                A           A7   D
   Not on these green hills of T-yrol

                       G                   D
Chorus: Be-cause these green hills are not high-land hills
               A              A7          D
        Or the is-land hills, they're not my land's hills
                    G                    D
        And fair as these green fo-reign hills may be               𝄐
                 A              A7   D      G    D   G    D   G     A
        They are not the hills  of | home /    |   /    |   /    |     |

Bagpipe Instrumental: (key change to A Major)

           A            E    E7    A                 E    E7    A
        ‖     |  𝄎   |    /     |     |  𝄎  |  𝄎  |    /    |      ‖

            D     A    E     E7    A     D     A     E    E7    A
        ‖:     |     |    /     |     |     |     |    /     |    :‖ 

                     (key change back to D Major)

3. And so this sol-dier, this Scot-tish sol-dier
                A               A7       D
   Will wan-der far no more and sol-dier far no more
   And on a hill-ide, a Scot-tish hill-side
                   A               A7       D
   You'll see that pi-per play his sol-dier home
   He's seen the glo-ry, he's told the sto-ry
              A              A7        D
   Of battles glo-ri-ous and deeds vic-to-ri-ous
   The bu-gles cease now, he is at peace now
                  A           A7    D
   Far from those green hills of Ty-rol

                       G                   D
Chorus: Be-cause these green hills are not high-land hills
               A              A7          D
        Or the is-land hills, they're not my land's hills
                    G                    D
        And fair as these green fo-reign hills may be
                 A             A7   D
        They are not the hills of   home

                        G                   D
Chorus: Al-though those green hills are not high-land hills
               A              A7          D
        Or the is-land hills, they're not my land's hills
                    G                    D
        And fair as these green fo-reign hills may be
                 A             A7  D
        They are not the hills of  home

              G                   D
Chorus: Those green hills are not high-land hills
               A              A7          D
        Or the is-land hills, they're not my land's hills
                    G                    D
        And fair as these green fo-reign hills may be               
                 A              A7   D      G   D   G   D     A
        They are not the hills  of | home /   |   /   |    |  𝄑  |

Helpful Tips:

  • Level Of Ease: Very Easy. Easy guitar song with easy chords - ideal for beginners.
  • 3/4 time: 3 quarter-note beats per bar. This can be counted as | 1 2 3 | or |1& 2& 3&|
  • In the provided chord charts, symbols like | E / E7 | indicate playing the E chord for two beats and the E7 chord for one beat. The "/" symbol, known as a simile mark, signifies repeating the preceding chord within the measure. Similarly, | D / G | means playing the D chord for two beats and the G chord for one beat. 

Song Details:

  • Lyricist: Andy Stewart
  • Composer: Transcribed by John MacLeod using the tune of "The Green Hills of Tyrol", during the Crimean War from Gioachino Rossini's 1829 opera William Tell.
  • Date: 1829
  • Lyrics Begin: There was a soldier, a Scottish soldier,  who wandered far away and soldiered far away.
  • Performing Artist: Andy Stewart
  • Single:
    Released: 1960
    B-side: The Muckin' O' Geordie's Byre
  • Genre: Folk
  • Album: A Scottish Soldier
    Released: 1961
Andy Stewart
Andy Stewart
Andy Stewart

Born: Andrew Stewart on the 30th December 1933 in Glasgow, Scotland

Occupation: Singer/song-writer, entertainer, compere, comedian, impressionist

Active Years: 1955 - 1993

Music Styles: Folk Music,  Comedy Music

Awards: MBE in 1976, Freedom Of Angus in 1987

Died: Arbroath, Angus, Scotland on the 11th October, 1993 after long bouts of ill-health including triple by-pass heart surgery in 1976 and again in 1991.

TV Show: Compere of 'The White Heather Club' from 1957-1968 (variety show)

Chart Success: A Scottish Soldier Reached No 1 in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand; 31 weeks in the UK singles chart in 1961; spent over a year in the top 50 in the U.S.

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A seasoned performer joyfully playing the guitar