A Thousand Years chords

by Christina Perri

Original Published Key: Bb Major

Key Signature: 2 flats (Bb, Eb)

Piano Chords: Bb, Bbsus4, Cm7, Eb, Ebsus2, F, Fsus, Gm7

Time Signature: 6/8 (♩.)

Tempo: 50 bpm (Moderately)

Vocal Range: F3 - C5

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner (See charts for easy Bm7 & F#m7)

Guitar Chords in A major: A, Asus4, Bm7, D, Dsus2, E, Esus, F#m7

Capo: 1st fret (to play along with the video in Bb Major)

Chord Chart Legend
A chord Asus4 chord E chord Esus4 chord D chord Dsus2 chord F#m7 chord F#m7 chord Bm7 chord
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
A chord Asus4 chord E chord Esus4 chord D chord Dsus2 chord F#m7 chord F#m7 chord Bm7 chord
ASCII Chord Charts: number=fret, x= don't play, 0=play open, (B)=barre chord
Chord Guitar Piano Chord Guitar Piano
A x02220 A-C#-E F#m7 242222 (B) F#-A-C#-E
Asus4 x02230 A-D-E Bm7 x20202 B-D-F#-A
E 022100 E-G#-B D xx0232 D-F#-A
Esus4 022200 E-A-B Dsus2 xx0230 D-E-A

A Thousand Years

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
              A     A     E    F#m7   F#m7   E     D     D     A     E
Intro: 6/8 ‖      |    -     |      |      -    |     |     |     |     ‖  
   Dsus2                           A
1. Heart beats fast    Col-ors and pro-mi-ses
             F#m7              E         A 
   How to be brave   How can I love when I'm
     D                                 A
   A-fraid to fall   But watch-ing you stand a-lone
             F#m7                E      A        Bm7
   All of my doubt    Sud-den-ly goes a-way some-how
   Bm7      F#m7    E     
   One step clo  -  ser...

Chorus: I have died ev-'ry day    Wait-ing for you
        F#m7                            A
        Dar-ling don't be afraid I have loved you
        For a thou-sand years
                            Asus4   A      Esus4   E     D     E     D
        I'll love you for a thou -  sand | more  -    |     -     |     |

    Dsus2                           A
 2. Time stands still    Beau-ty in all she is
              F#m7                E     A 
    I will be brave    I will not let a-ny-thing
    Dsus2                             A 
    Take a-way    What's stand-ing in front of me
            F#m7              E        A       Bm7
    Ev-e-ry breath    Ev-e-ry hour has come to this
    Bm7      F#m7    E
    One step clo  -  ser...

Chorus: I have died ev-'ry day    Wait-ing for you
        F#m7                            A
        Dar-ling don't be afraid I have loved you
        For a thou-sand years
                            Asus4   A     E
        I'll love you for a thou  - sand  more

Chorus: And all a-long I be-lieved    I would find you
        F#m7                                     A
        Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you
        For a thou-sand years
                            Asus4   A     E
        I'll love you for a thou  - sand  more
          A     A     F#m7     F#m7    E     D     D    D     E     E     Bm7
Instr: ‖     |     |        |        -    |     |     |    -     |     |       ‖

   Bm7      F#m7    E        Bm7
** One step clo  -  ser   |       |
   Bm7    E      F#m7    E
   One    step   clo  -  ser...

Chorus: I have died ev-'ry day    Wait-ing for you
        F#m7                            A
        Dar-ling don't be afraid I have loved you
        For a thou-sand years
                            Asus4   A     E 
        I'll love you for a thou -  sand  more

Chorus: And all a-long I be-lieved    I would find you
        F#m7                                     A
        Time has brought Your heart to me I have loved you
        For a thou-sand years
                              Asus4   A      Esus4   E  
        I'll love you for a | thou -  sand | more  -    |
          D     D     A     A     D     D    F#m7     E    Dsus2
Outro: ‖     |     |     |     |     |     |       |     |        ‖ 

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A seasoned performer joyfully playing the guitar