The Ballad Of John and Yoko chords
by The Beatles
Song Key: E Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 136 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar Chords: E, E7, A, B7
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

The Ballad Of John and Yoko
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyE Intro: 4/4 | | 𝄎 | E 1. Stand-ing in the dock at South-amp-ton Try-ing to get to Hol-land or France E7 The man in the mac said You've got to go back You know they didn't even give us a chance A Chorus: Christ you know it ain't ea-sy E You know how hard it can be B7 The way things are go-ing E They're go-ing to cru-ci-fy me E 2. Final-ly made the plane into Pa-ris Hon-ey-moon-ing down by the Seine E7 Peter Brown called to say You can make it O.K. You can get ma-rried in Gib-ral-tar near Spain A Chorus: Christ you know it ain't ea-sy E You know how hard it can be B7 The way things are go-ing E They're go-ing to cru-ci-fy me E 3. Drove from Pa-ris to the Am-ste-rdam Hil-ton Talk-ing in our beds for a week E7 The news-pa-pers said Say what're you do-ing in bed I said we're only trying to get us some peace A Chorus: Christ you know it ain't ea-sy E You know how hard it can be B7 The way things are go-ing E They're go-ing to cru-ci-fy me A Bridge: Sav-ing up your mon-ey for a rai-ny day Giv-ing all your clothes to cha-ri-ty Last night the wife said Oh boy when you're dead B7 You don't take noth-ing with you but your soul Think! E 4. Made a lightn-ing trip to Vien-na Eat-ing choc'late cake in a bag E7 The news-pa-pers said She's gone to his head They look just like two gur-us in drag A Chorus: Christ you know it ain't ea-sy E You know how hard it can be B7 The way things are go-ing E They're go-ing to cru-ci-fy me E 5. Caught the ear-ly plane back to Lon-don Fif-ty a-corns tied in a sack E7 The men from the press said We wish you suc-cess It's good to have the both of you back A Chorus: Christ you know it ain't ea-sy E You know how hard it can be B7 The way things are go-ing E They're go-ing to cru-ci-fy me | 𝄎 | B7 The way things are go-ing E They're go-ing to cru-ci-fy me | 𝄎 | B7 B7 E E | | | | 𝄑 |
Song Details
- Songwriters: Written by John Lennon and credited to the Lennon/McCartney partnership.
- Date: 1969
- Lyrics Begin: Standing in the dock at Southampton, trying to get to Holland or France.
- Performing Artists: The Beatles
- Recorded: 14 April 1969
- Single Release: 30 May 1969
- Albums: Hey Jude (US, 1970), 1967–1970 (1973), 20 Greatest Hits (UK, 1982), Past Masters, Volume Two (1988) and 1 (2000).