The Bass Clef or F Clef
Learning Notes on the Bass ClefThe Bass Clef and the Treble Clef are the most commonly used in today's music, with the C clefs used to a lesser degree.
Instruments using the bass clef include bass guitar, double-bass, bassoon, contrabassoon, cello, euphonium, baritone horn, tuba, and timpani. It is also used for the lower notes of the horn along with bass and baritone voices.
Keyboard instruments as well as the harp use both the Bass and Treble Clef (Grand Stave). On keyboard instruments, the left hand usually plays the bass-clef notes.
The Clefs
A clef is a musical symbol placed on the ledger lines at the start of every piece of music to indicate the names of the notes placed on the stave. It also serves as a reference point by which all other notes can be determined.

The 3 clefs used in modern music notation are:
- G clef or Treble Clef: the G-line (G4) passes through the curl of the symbol
- F clef or Bass Clef: the F-line (F3) passes between the 2 dots of the clef
- C clef or movable C clef: a symbol used in music notation to indicate the pitch of specific notes on the staff. Unlike the fixed G clef (treble clef) or F clef (bass clef), which designate specific pitches on the staff, the C clef can move to different positions on the staff, indicating different pitches. The most commonly used C clefs are the tenor and alto clefs.
The Bass or F clef

When the F clef is placed on the 4th line of the stave, it is called the Bass Clef. It is the only F-clef used in music of the modern era, therefore the names are synonymous. The diagram shows the F-line (F3) passing between the 2 dots of the clef.
In days gone by, if the F-clef was placed on the 3rd line of the Stave, it was called the Baritone Clef; if the F-clef was placed on the 5th line, it was called the sub-bass clef... these clefs are no longer in use.
Notes on the Bass Clef

These are common saying used to remember the notes of the Bass-Clef, but you can make up your own - whatever it takes to remember the notes. Another common saying for notes on the lines is, Good Boys Deserve Fruit Always.
Video Presentation
Understanding and Identifying the notes on the Bass-Clef by MrTheoryGuy