Blue Ain’t Your Color chords
by Keith UrbanSong Key: G Major
Key Signature: 1 sharp (F#)
Time Signature: 12/8 (♩.)
Tempo: 55 bpm (Moderately slow)
Vocal Range: B3 - G5
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Chords: G, G/B, Am, Bm, C, C/G, D, Em
Extra: A closer look at 12/8 time
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Blue Ain’t Your Color
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyG 1. I can... See you o-ver there, Star-ing at your drink Am Watch-in' that ice sink All a-lone to-night C D And chan-ces are You're sit-tin' here in this bar G 'Cause he ain't gon-na treat you right 2. Well, it's prob-ab-ly not my place, But I'm gon-na say it any-way Am 'Cause you look like C D You haven't felt the fire Had a lit-tle fun G Hadn't had a smile in a lit-tle while... Ba-by G Am CH: Blue... looks good on the sky C Looks good on that neon buz-zin' on the wall D G But darl-ing, it don't match your eyes G Am I'm tel-lin' you... You don't need that guy C D It's so black and white He's steal-in' your thun-der C Bm Am G Ba-by, blue ain't your col-or | (I'm not try'na)| G 3. I'm not try'na Be a-noth-er just 'pick you up' Am Kin-da guy Try'na drink you up Try'na take you home C D But I just... I don't un-der-stand How a-noth-er man G Can take your sun And turn it ice cold 4. Well, I've had e-nough to drink Am And it's mak-in' Me think that I just might C D Tell you if I were a paint-er I wouldn't change ya G I'd just paint you bright... Ba-by G Am CH: 'Cause Blue... looks good on the sky C Looks good on that neon buz-zin' on the wall D G But darl-ing, it don't match your eyes G Am I'm tel-lin' you... You don't need that guy C D It's so black and white He's steal-in' your thund-er C Bm Am Ba-by, blue ain't your col-or... Em Am Em C Instr: | No no no | (ain't your col-or)| ba-by | | G Am CH: Blue... looks good on the sky C Looks good on that neon buz-zin' on the wall D G But darl-ing, it don't match your eyes G Am I'm tel-lin' you... You don't need that guy C D It's so black and white He's steal-in' your thund-er C Bm Am Ba-by, blue ain't your col-or... C G/B Am C/G G C/G Blue ain't your col-or, mmm, | mmm No, no ba-by | G C/G | Huh, come here, ba-by | G C/G G C/G G | Let me light up your world | / / / / | 𝄑 |
12/8 time means that there are 12 beats in each bar where every beat is equal to an eighth note.
At 55 bpm the beat occurs on every dotted quarter note, and each dotted quarter note is equivalent to 3 eighth notes. If I were to count each beat it would look like this:
| 1&& 2&& 3&& 4&& |
12/8 is a form of "Compound Time" consisting of dotted notes for beats, each divisible into 3 equal parts. In this song, we have 4 dotted notes each divisible into 3 equal parts. For more information about timing and much more, you can visit our Time Signature page.
The song could also be played in 6/8 time - 6 eighth notes per bar. The tempo in this case would be set at 165 bpm where the metronome plays on each eighth note beat where the underlying grouping of three eighth notes would still be present. Here's how the count would look like in 6/8 time at 165 bpm:
| 1&& 2&& | or simply | 123 456 |
The choice between 12/8 and 6/8 can be a matter of stylistic preference or how the music is written.
Some musicians might find it easier to read and count in 12/8 because it explicitly shows the triplet subdivisions within each beat, where others might prefer 6/8 with a faster tempo for a more concise notation. The choice is yours.
12/8 time is preferable in this song, as the 'feel' of the bass drum and snare lends itself to a slower tempo:
Kick (1&&) - Snare(2&&) - Kick(3&&) - Snare (4&&)
Beginners can replace Bm with G/B. It's much easier to play and sounds fine.