Bright Eyes chords
by Art GarfunkelSong Key: G Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 112 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar Chords: G, C, Em, D, D7, Am, Am7, B, B7, Bm, C#dim7
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Bright Eyes
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyG Em D7 Intro: 4/4 | | 𝄎 | | 𝄎 | | 𝄎 | C G | | 𝄎 | | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | G C G G 1. Is it a kind of a drea - eam | | Em C G Float-ing out on the ti - ide | 𝄎 | D G C Fol-low-ing the river of death down-stream Am7 D Oh, is it a dream? D7 G C G 2. There's a fog a-long the ho-ri-zon Em C G A strange glow in the sky - y | 𝄎 | D G C And no-bo-dy seems to know where you go B And what does it mean? C#dim7 G D7 G Oh - oh Is it a dream? Bm C D7 Chorus: Bright eyes Burn-ing like fire Bm C Am Bright eyes, how can you close and fail? | 𝄎 | B7 Em D7 G How can the light that burned so bright-ly C Am Sud-den-ly burn so pale? D7 G Em C Bright eyes | 𝄎 | | 𝄎 | | 𝄎 | G C G 3. Is it a kind of a sha - dow | 𝄎 | Em C G Reach-ing into the ni - ight | 𝄎 | D G C Wan-de-ring over the hills un-seen Am7 D D7 Or, is it a dream? | | G C G 4. There's a high wind in the tree - ees Em C G A cold sound in the a - air | 𝄎 | D G C And no-bo-dy ever knows when you go B And where do you start? C#dim7 G D7 G Oh - oh In-to the dark Bm C D7 Chorus: Bright eyes Burn-ing like fire Bm C Am Bright eyes, how can you close and fail? | 𝄎 | B7 Em D7 G How can the light that burned so bright-ly C Am Sud-den-ly burn so pale? D7 G Bright eyes | 𝄎 | Bm C D7 Chorus: Bright eyes Burn-ing like fire Bm C Am Bright eyes, how can you close and fail? | 𝄎 | B7 Em D7 G How can the light that burned so bright-ly C Am Sud-den-ly burn so pale? D7 G G Bright eyes | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | |...
Song Details:
- Songwriters: Mike Batt
- Featured In: Movie soundtrack of the adventure film, Watership Down
- Lyrics Begin: Is it a kind of a dream,
- Performing Artist: Art Garfunkel
- Single:
Released: 19 January 1979
B-side: Kehaar's Theme - Genre: Pop
- Album: Fate for Breakfast
Recorded: 1979
Released: March 15, 1979