Can't Buy Me Love chords
by The BeatlesSong Key: C Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 168 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar Chords: C, Am, Em, Dm7, G, G7, F7
Beginners: See charts below for an alternative way of playing F7 as an open chord.
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Can't Buy Me Love
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyEm Am Em Am Intro: 4/4 Can't buy me love Oh Love Oh Dm7 G Can't buy me love Oh C 1. I'll buy you a dia-mond ring my friend If it makes you feel all - right F7 I'll get you anyth-ing my friend C If it makes you feel all - right G F7 'Cause I don't care too much for mon-ey C For mon-ey can't buy me love C 2. I'll give you all I've got to give If you say you love me too F7 I may not have a lot to give C But what I've got I'll give to you G F7 I don't care too much for mon-ey C For mon-ey can't buy me love Em Am C Chorus: Can't buy me love Oh Ev-'ry-bo-dy tells me so Em Am Dm7 G7 Can't buy me love oh No no no No C 3. Say you don't need no dia-mond rings And I'll be sa-tis-fied F7 Tell me that you want the kind of things C That mon-ey just can't buy G F7 I don't care too much for mon-ey C Mon-ey can't buy me love | 𝄎 | C F7 C G F7 C C Instr: ‖ | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | | 𝄎 | | 𝄎 | | | | ‖ (Can't buy me) Em Am C Chorus: Can't buy me love Oh Ev-'ry-bo-dy tells me so Em Am Dm7 G7 Can't buy me love oh No no no No C 4. Say you don't need no dia-mond rings And I'll be sa-tis-fied F7 Tell me that you want the kind of things C That mon-ey just can't buy G F7 I don't care too much for mon-ey C Mon-ey can't buy me love Em Am Em Am Outro: Can't buy me love Oh Love Oh Dm7 G7 | C | C | Can't buy me love Oh Oh 𝄑
- Songwriters: Written by Paul McCartney and credited to Lennon/McCartney.
- Date: 1964
- Lyrics Begin: Can't buy me love, oh, love oh, can't buy me love, oh.
- Performing Artists: The Beatles
- Single Recorded: 29 January, 25 February 1964
- Single Release: 16 March 1964 (US), 20 March 1964 (UK)
- Album: A Hard Day's Night
- Album Recorded: 29 January – 2 June 1964
- Album Released: 10 July 1964