Chapel Of Love chords
by The Dixie CupsKey: D Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 128 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner (easy guitar chords, ideal for beginners)
Chords: D, Em, A, A7
Bass Run: /A, /B, /C# (see tab below)
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Chapel Of Love
D Chorus: Go-in' to the cha-pel and we're gon-na get ma-a-a-rried Em A Em A7 Go-in' to the cha-pel and we're gon-na get ma-a-a-ried D Gee I real-ly love you and we're gon-na get ma-a-a-rried Em A | D | 𝄎 | Go-in' to the Cha-pel of Love D 1. Spring is here The sky is blue, whoa-oh-oh Em A Em A Birds all sing As if they knew D To-day's the day We'll say "I do" Em A D /A /B /C# And we'll nev-er be lone-ly any-more (Be - cause we're) D Chorus: Go-in' to the cha-pel and we're gon-na get ma-a-a-rried Em A Em A7 Go-in' to the cha-pel and we're gon-na get ma-a-a-ried D Gee I real-ly love you and we're gon-na get ma-a-a-rried Em A | D | 𝄎 | Go-in' to the Cha-pel of Love D 2. Bells will ring The sun will shine, whoa-oh-oh Em A Em A I'll be his and he'll be mine D We'll love un-til The end of time Em A D /A /B /C# And we'll nev-er be lone-ly any-more (Be - cause we're) D Chorus: Go-in' to the cha-pel and we're gon-na get ma-a-a-rried Em A Em A7 Go-in' to the cha-pel and we're gon-na get ma-a-a-ried D Gee I real-ly love you and we're gon-na get ma-a-a-rried Em A D Go-in' to the Cha-pel of Love Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah Em A D Go-in' to the Cha-pel of Love Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah Em A D Go-in' to the Cha-pel of Love Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah...
Bass run Tab at end of each verse: e|----------------| B|----------------| G|----------------| D|----------------| A|----0---2---4---| E|----------------| /A /B /C#
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Song Details:
- Songwriters: Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich and Phil Spector. The song is sometimes referred to as Going to the Chapel.
- Date: 1963
- Lyrics Begin: Goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get married.
- Performing Artists: The Dixie Cups
- Genre: Pop
- Single Recorded: February 1964
- Single Released: April 1964
- Album: Chapel of Love
- Recorded: 1964
- Released: August 1964
- Chart Success: Spent 3 weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100.
The Dixie Cups

Origin: Female Trio from New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Music Styles: Rhythm and blues, pop
Active Years: 1964 - present
Original Trio: Sisters - Barbara Ann & Rosa Lee Hawkins along with their cousin, Joan Marie Johnson.
Original Name: Little Miss and the Muffets - changed to The Dixie Cups prior to their first release.