City Of New Orleans chords
by Willie NelsonSong Key: D Major
Key Signature: 2 sharps (F#, C#)
Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)
Tempo: 150 bpm (Moderately fast)
Vocal Range: D4 - D5
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Intermediate
Guitar Chords: D, A, Bm, G, F#m, E, A7, C, Bm/A, E/G#
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts
- City Of New Orleans was written by Steve Goodman which he recorded and released in 1977.
- Willie Nelson's recording of the song became a No.1 country music hit in 1984 from the album of the same name
- Music: Key of D Major in 4/4 time at ~150 bpm (♩)
- Vocal Range: D4 - D5 (1 octave)
- Chords: D, A, Bm, G, F#m, E, A7, C, Bm/A, E/G#

City Of New Orleans
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyD Intro: 4/4 ‖ | % | % | % ‖ D A D 1. Ri-din' on the ci-ty of New Or-leans, Bm G D Ill-i-nois Cen-tral, Mon-day mor-ning rail A D Fif-teen cars and fif-teen rest-less ri-ders, Bm A D Three con-duc-tors and twen-ty-five sacks of mail. Bm Pre Chorus 1: All a-long the south-bound od-ys-sey, F#m The train pulls out at Kank-a-kee A E And rolls a-long past hou-ses, farms and fields. Bm Pas-sin' trains that have no name F#m And freight yards full of old black men, A A7 D And the grave-yards of the rus-ted au-to-mo-biles. G A D Chorus Good mor-ning A-me-ri-ca how are ya? Bm G D Say, don't you know me? I'm your na-tive son, A D A Bm Bm/E E7/G# I'm the train they call the Ci-ty of New | Or-leans, | | C G A D And I'll be gone five hun-dred miles when the day is | done.| % | % | % | D A D 2. Deal-in' cards with the old man in the club car, Bm G D Pen-ny a point, ain't no one keep-in' score. A D Pass the pa-per bag that holds the bottle Bm A D Feel the wheels rumb-lin' 'neath the floor.| % | Bm Pre Chorus 2: And the sons of Pull-man por-ters and F#m The sons of en-gi-neers A E Ride their fa-ther's ma-gic ca-rpets made of steel Bm Mo-thers with their babes asleep, F#m Rock-in' to the gentle beat A A7 D And the rhy-thm of the rails is all they feel| % | G A D Chorus Good mor-ning A-me-ri-ca how are ya? Bm G D Say, don't you know me? I'm your na-tive son, A D A Bm Bm/E E7/G# I'm the train they call the Ci-ty of New Or - or - leans, C G A D And I'll be gone five hun-dred miles when the day is done.| % | Instrumental: Repeat Chorus D A D 3. Night-time on the Ci-ty of New Or-leans, Bm G D Chang-in' cars in Mem-phis, Ten-nes-see. A D Half-way home, we'll be there by mor-nin', Bm A D Through the Mis-sis-sip-pi darkness rol-lin' down to the sea.| % | Bm Pre Chorus 3: But all the towns and people seem F#m To fade into a bad dream A E And the steel rails still ain't heard the news. Bm The con-duc-tor sings his songs a-gain, F#m The pas-sen-gers will please re-frain A A7 D This train has got the dis-ap-pea-rin' rail-road blues.| % | G A D Chorus Good mor-ning A-me-ri-ca how are ya? Bm G D Say, don't you know me? I'm your na-tive son, A D A Bm Bm/E E7/G# I'm the train they call the Ci-ty of New Or - or - leans, C G A D And I'll be gone five hun-dred miles when the day is done.| % | Outro Instrumental: Repeat Verse and fade
Song Details:
- Songwriter: Steve Goodman
- Lyrics Begin: Ridin' on the City of New Orleans,
- Performing Artist: Willie Nelson
- Album: City of New Orleans
- Recorded: January - April, 1984
- Released: April 1984
- Single Release: July 1984