Diary chords
by BreadSong Key: G Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 82 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner (easy guitar song)
Guitar Chords: G, G7, Gmaj7, Am7, B7, Bm7, B7sus4, C, C6, D7, Em, Edim7, F
Beginners: Chords may look a little scary, but they are all easy to play.
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyGmaj7 F C6 G Intro: ‖ | | | ‖ Gmaj7 F 1. I found her diary un-der-neath the tree C6 G And start-ed read-ing a-bout me Gmaj7 F The words she’d writ-ten took me by sur-prise C6 G You’d nev-er read them in her eyes Edim7 G D7 B7 Em G7 She said that she had found the love she’d wait-ed | for - | C G C G Would-n’t you know it? She would-n’t show it Gmaj7 F 2. Then she, con-fron-ted with the writ-ing there C6 G Simp-ly pre-ten-ded not to care Gmaj7 F I passed it off as just in keep-ing with C6 G Her to-tal dis-con-cert-ing air. Edim7 G D7 B7 Em G7 And though she tried to hide the love that she de - | nied - | C G C G Would-n’t you know it? She would-n’t show it. D7 B7 Em G7 C Chorus: | - And as | I go through my life Am7 D7 G I will give to her, my wife C B7sus4 All the sweet things I can find. Gmaj7 F 3. I found her di-ary un-der-neath the tree C6 G And start-ed read-ing a-bout me Gmaj7 F The words began to stick, then tears to fall. C6 G Her mean-ing now was clear to see Edim7 G D7 B7 Em G7 The love she’d wait-ed for was some-one else, not | me - | C G C G Would-n’t you know it? She would-n’t show it. D7 B7 Em G7 C Chorus: | - And as | I go through my life Am7 D7 G I will wish for her, his wife C G All the sweet things she can find Bm7 C D7 G All the sweet things they can find. 𝄑
Easy Open Chords and Tips:
- Level Of Ease: Fairly easy using all open chords
- Song Key: G Major - 1 sharp (F#)
- The open Bm7 (x20202) and B7sus4 (x22200) chords sound great.
- Edim7 is also a very easy chord to play, as are all diminished 7th chords
- I have included bar lines at the start of each chorus:
D7 B7 Em G7 C Chorus: | - And as | I go through my life
Play D7 for 2 beats with B7 coming in on the 3rd beat of the bar on 'And'. - If you need further help with any chords, visit the guitar chords page.
Song Details:

- Songwriter: David Gates
- Lyrics Begin: I found her diary underneath the tree,
- Performing Artists: Bread
- Single:
Released: April 1972
B-side: Down on My Knees - Genre: Soft rock
- Album: Baby I'm-a Want You
Recorded: 1971
Released: January 1972
- Diary
- If