Eight Days a Week chords
by The BeatlesSong Key: D Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 132 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar Chords: D, E, G, A, Bm (all charts below)
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Eight Days a Week
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyD E G D Intro: 4/4 ‖ | | | ‖ D E G D 1. Ooh I need your love babe Guess you know it's true D E G D Hope you need my love babe Just like I need you Bm G Bm E Chorus: Hold me Love me Hold me Love me D E G D I Ain't got noth-in 'but love babe Eight days a week D E G D 2. Love you ev'-ry day girl Al-ways on my mind D E G D One thing I can say girl Love you all the time Bm G Bm E Chorus: Hold me Love me Hold me Love me D E G D I ain't got noth-in 'but love babe Eight days a week A Bm Bridge: Eight days a week I lo-o-o-o-o-ove you E G A Eight days a week Is not e-nough to show I care D E G D 3. Ooh I need your love babe Guess you know it's true D E G D Hope you need my love babe Just like I need you Bm G Bm E Chorus: Hold me Love me Hold me Love me D E G D I ain't got noth-in 'but love babe Eight days a week A Bm Bridge: Eight days a week I lo-o-o-o-o-ove you E G A Eight days a week Is not e-nough to show I care D E G D 4. Love you ev'-ry day girl Al-ways on my mind D E G D One thing I can say girl Love you all the time Bm G Bm E Chorus: Hold me Love me Hold me Love me D E G D I ain't got noth-in 'but love babe Eight days a week G D G D Eight days a week _ Eight days a week D E G D Outro: ‖ | | | ‖
Song Details:
- Songwriters: Paul McCartney and John Lennon
- Date: 1964
- Lyrics Begin: Ooh I need your love, babe, guess you know it's true, hope you need my love, babe, just like I need you.
- Performing Artists: The Beatles
- Single Recorded: 6 and 18 October, 1964
- Single Release: 15 February 1965 (US)
- Album: Beatles for Sale
- Album Recorded: 11 August – 26 October 1964
- Album Released: 4 December 1964