El Paso chords
by Marty RobbinsSong Key: D Major
Time Signature: 3/4
Tempo: 72 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Easy Chords: D, D7, Em, G, A7, C
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

El Paso
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyD Em A7 D Intro: 3/4 | | 𝄎 | | 𝄎 | | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D Em 1. Out in the West Tex-as town of El Pa-so A7 D I fell in love with a Me-xi-can girl | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D Em Night-time would find me in Ros-e's Can-ti-na, A7 D Mu-sic would play and Fel-ee-na would whirl. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D Em 2. Black-er than night were the eyes of Fel-ee-na, A7 D Wick-ed and ev-il while cast-ing a spell | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D Em My love was deep for this Mex-i-can maid-en, A7 D D7 I was in love, but in vain I could tell. | 𝄎 | | 𝄎 | G C G Bridge: One night a wild young cow-boy came in, G D D7 Wild as the West Tex-as wi - i- ind. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D7 Dashing and daring, a drink he was sharing, D7 G With wicked Feleena, the girl that I love. A A7 So in an - ger... D Em 3. I chal-lenged his right for the love of this maid-en; A7 D Down went his hand for the gun that he wore. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D Em My chal-lenge was ans-wered, in less than a heart-beat A7 D The hand-some young strang-er lay dead on the floor. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | G C G Bridge: Out through the back door of Ros-e's I ran, G D D7 Out where the horses were ti - i - ed. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D7 I caught a good one; it looked like it could run, D7 G Up on its back and away I did ride. A A7 Just as fast as I D Em 4. Could from the West Tex-as town of El Pa-so, A7 D Out to the bad-lands of New Mex-i-co. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D Em Back in El Pa-so my life would be worth-less; A7 D Ev'-ry-thing's gone in life, noth-ing is left. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D Em 5. It's been so long since I've seen the young maid-en, A7 D D7 My love is strong-er than my fear of death.| 𝄎 | | 𝄎 | G C G Bridge: I saddled up and a-way I did go, G D D7 Rid-ing a-lone in the da - a - ark. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D7 May-be to-mor-row a bul-let may find me, D7 G To-night noth-ing's worse than this pain in my heart. A A7 And at last here D Em 6. I am on the hill ov-er-look-ing El Pa-so, A7 D I can see Ros-e's Cant-i-na be-low. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D Em My love is strong and it push-es me on-ward, A7 D Down off the hill to Fel-ee-na I go. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D Em 7. Off to my right I see five mount-ed cow-boys, A7 D Off to my left ride a do-zen and more. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D Em Shout-ing and shoot-ing; I can't let them catch me, A7 D D7 I have to make it to Ros-e's back door.| 𝄎 | | 𝄎 | G C G Bridge: Some-thing is dread-ful-ly wrong for I feel G D D7 A deep burn-ing pain in my si - i - ide. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D7 Though I am try-ing to stay in the sad-dle. D7 G I'm get-ting wea-ry, un-ab-le to ride. A A7 But my love for D Em 8. Fel-ee-na is strong and I rise where I've fal-len; A7 D Though I am wea-ry, I can't stop to rest. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D Em I see the white puff of smoke from the rif-le, A7 D I feel the bul-let go deep in my chest. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D Em 9. From out of no-where, Fel-ee-na has found me, A7 D Kis-sing my cheek as she kneels by my side. | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | 𝄎 | D Em Crad-led by two lov-ing arms that I'll die for, A7 Em D One lit-tle kiss and Fel-ee-na... good - bye.
Song Details:
- Songwriter: Marty Robbins
- Date: 1959
- Lyrics Begin: Out in the West Texas town of El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican girl.
- Performing Artist: Marty Robbins
- Single:
Recorded: April 7, 1959
Released: October 26, 1959
B-side: Running Gun - Genre: Country, Tex-Mex
- Album: Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs
Recorded: April 7, 1959
Released: September 1959