Ferry Cross The Mersey chords
by Gerry and the PacemakersSong Key: E Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 100 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Intermediate
Guitar Chords: E, F#m, G#m, Bm7, B7
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Ferry Cross The Mersey
E Bm7 E Bm7 Intro: 4/4 | Drums | 𝄎 𝄆 - | - 𝄇 E Bm7 E Bm7 E Bm7 E Bm7 1. | Life - | Goes on day af-ter | day - | - | E Bm7 E Bm7 E Bm7 E Bm7 B7 | Hearts - | Torn in ev’-ry | way - | / (So)| E G#m Chorus: So fer-ry 'cross the Mer-sey F#m B7 'Cause this land's the place I love E Bm7 E Bm7 And here I'll | stay - | - | E Bm7 E Bm7 E Bm7 E Bm7 2. | Peo - | - ple They rush ev’-ry- | where - | - | E Bm7 E Bm7 E Bm7 E Bm7 B7 | Each - | With their own sec-ret | care - | / (So)| E G#m Chorus: So fer-ry 'cross the Mer-sey F#m B7 E E7 And al-ways take me there The place I love | | F#m B7 E Bridge: Peo-ple a-round ev’-ry cor-ner F#m B7 E They seem to smile and say F#m B7 G#m We don't care what your name is boy F#m B7 We'll nev-er turn you a-way E Bm7 E Bm7 E Bm7 E Bm7 3. | So - | I'll con-tin-ue to | say - | - | E Bm7 E Bm7 E Bm7 E Bm7 B7 | Here - | I al-ways will | stay - | / (So)| E G#m Chorus: So fer-ry 'cross the Mer-sey F#m B7 'Cause this land's the place I love E Bm7 And here I'll | stay - | E Bm7 E Bm7 | And here I'll | stay - | E Bm7 E Bm7 E Bm7 E | Here I'll | stay - | - | |
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Song Details:
- Songwriter: Gerard Marsden
- Date: 1964
- Lyrics Begin: Life goes on day after day, Hearts torn in ev'ry way, So ferry cross the Mersey 'Cos this land's the place I love...
- Performing Artists: Gerry and the Pacemakers
- Single:
Recorded: 27 May 1964
Released: December 1964
B-side: You, You, You (UK), Pretend (US) - Genre: Merseybeat, pop
- Album: Ferry Cross the Mersey
Recorded: 20 March–5 June 1964
Released: 1965
Gerry & The Pacemakers

Origin: Liverpool, England
Music Styles: Merseybeat, pop
Active Years: 1959–1966
Band Line-up:- Gerry Marsden - lead vocals, guitar
- Freddie Marsden - drums
- Arthur MacMahon (Mack) - piano
- Les Chadwick - bass guitar
- Les Maguire (replaced Arthur Mack) - piano, sax
Covers by popular artists
- 1983: Frankie Goes to Hollywood - B-side of the 12-inch single Relax
- 1997: Burton Cummings from The Guess Who - recorded a solo version on his 1997 live album Up Close and Alone
- 2003: Pat Metheny - instrumental cover on his acoustic album One Quiet Night.