Hello Dolly chords
by Louis ArmstrongSong Key: C Major
Time Signature: 2/2
Tempo: 78 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Intermediate
Guitar Chords: C, Cmaj7, C6, Cdim7, D, Dm, , Dm7, Dm(M7), Dm7(add11), D9, D9#5, D13, Em, E7, G7, G9, Am, Bb
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts





Hello Dolly
D13 D9#5 Dm7 G9 D13 D9#5 Dm7 G9 Intro: 2/2 ‖ - | - | - | - ‖ D13 D9#5 Dm7 G9 C Cdim7 Dm7add11 G6 ‖ - | - | - | - ‖ C Am 1. Hel-lo Dol-ly, well, hel-lo Dol-ly Cmaj7 Cdim7 Dm7 It's so nice to have you back where you be-long G7 Dm DmM7 Dm7 You're look-in' | swell - | Dol-ly | Bb Dm I can tell, Dol-ly Dm7 G7 You're still glow-in', you're still crow-in', C6 Cdim7 G7 You're still go - in' strong | So, - | take her wrap fel-las Am Em Find her an emp-ty lap, fel-las D9 D9#5 Dm7 G9 C Cdim7 Dm7 G7 Dol-ly, ne-ver go a-way a - | gain - | - | Instr: Play verses 1 & 2 C Am 2. I feel the room sway-in', while the band's play-in' Gm7 C7 Gm7 C7 Fmaj7 F6 C Am 2. I feel the room sway-in', while the band's play-in' Gm7 C7 Gm7 C7 Fmaj7 F6 One of your old fav-o-rite songs from way back | when - | Dm6 E7 Am Em One of our old fav-o-rite songs from way back | when - | Dm6 E7 Am Em | So, - | gol-ly gee, fel-las Am Em Have a lit-tle faith in me, fel-las D9 D9#5 Dm7 G9 Dol-ly, ne-ver go a-way D9 D9#5 Dm7 G9 Pro-mise, you'll ne-ver go a-way D9 D9#5 Dm7 G9 C C G7 C Dol-ly, ne-ver go a-way a - | gain |(1 2 3 4)|
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Chord Tips & Playing Guide
- At the end of the song - the transition from D9 to D9#5 is very easy. Fingers 2, 3 and 4 retain the same shape while sliding down 2 frets while moving the first finger from the 4th string to the 6th string.
- D13 (V2): pretend you are playing a B7 shape starting on the 4th fret
- Jazz: There are a multitude of jazz chords in this arrangement. Please don't be put off by the look of some of them. Like anything, once you learn them and become comfortable with the rate of certain chord changes, you will thoroughly enjoy playing this piece... a definite classic.
Song Details:
- Songwriter: Jerry Herman
- Date: 1963
- Lyrics Begin: Hello, Dolly, well, hello, Dolly, it's so nice to have you back where you belong.
- Performing Artist: Louis Armstrong
- Single:
Recorded: 1963
Released: January 1964
B-side: A Lot of Livin' to Do - Genre: Traditional pop, Dixieland jazz
- Album: Hello, Dolly!
Recorded: December 3, 1963; April 18, 1964
Released: 1964
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