Help chords

by The Beatles

Song Key: B Minor (Relative of D Major)

Time Signature: 2/2

Tempo: 94 bpm

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner / Intermediate

Chords: Bm, G, E7, A7, A, C#m, F#m, D

Beginners: Easy way to play C#m and F#m - see charts below 🥳

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Chord Chart Legend
Bm G Major E7 A Major A7 F#m F#m-V2 C#m C#m open chord D Major
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
Bm barre chord-LH G Major-LH E7-LH A Major-LH A7-LH F#m barre chord-LH F#m-V2 C#m barre chord-LH C#m open chord-LH D Major-LH


The Relative Major Key of Bm is highlighted - Transpose to any other key.
       Bm                            G
Intro: Help!    I need some-bod-y    Help!    Not just any-bod-y
       E7                            A7
       Help!    I need some-bod-y    Help! |  -  |

  A                               C#m
1. When I was young-er    So much young-er than to-day
F#m                                D       G    A
   I nev-er need-ed any-bod-y‘s    Help in an-y way
  A                                   C#m
   But now these days are gone    I’m not so self as-sured
F#m                                           D       G      A
   Now I find    I’ve changed my mind    I’ve o-pened up the doors

Chorus: Help me if you can    I’m feel-ing down
        And I do ap-prec-i-ate you being ‘round
        Help me get my feet back on the ground
                    A                   A
        Won’t you | please |     | Help me |     |

  A                                  C#m
2. And now my life has changed    In oh so man-y ways
F#m                            D       G      A
   My in-de-pen-dence seems to van-ish in the haze
  A                          C#m
   But ev-’ry now and then I feel so in-se-cure
F#m                                      D      G       A
   I know that I just need you like I’ve nev-er done be-fore

Chorus: Help me if you can    I’m feel-ing down
        And I do ap-prec-i-ate you being ‘round
        Help me get my feet back on the ground
                    A                   A
        Won’t you | please |     | Help me |     |

  A                               C#m
3. When I was young-er    So much young-er than to-day
F#m                                D       G    A
   I nev-er need-ed any-bod-y‘s    Help in an-y way
  A                                   C#m
   But now these days are gone    I’m not so self as-sured
F#m                                           D       G      A
   Now I find    I’ve changed my mind    I’ve o-pened up the doors

Chorus: Help me if you can    I’m feel-ing down
        And I do ap-prec-i-ate you being ‘round
        Help me get my feet back on the ground
                  A                     F#m                   A
        Won’t you please please    Help me    Help me    Help me    Oo...

Song Details:

  • Songwriters: John Lennon, Paul McCartney
  • Date: 1965
  • Lyrics Begin: Help! I need somebody, Help! Not just anybody, Help! You know I need someone, Help!
  • Artists: The Beatles
  • Single Recorded: 13 April 1965
  • Single Released: 23 July 1965
  • Album: Help!
  • Recorded: 15 February – 17 June 1965
  • Released: 6 August 1965
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