Homeward Bound chords
Simon & GarfunkelSong Key: Bb Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 86 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar Chords in G Major: G, Bm, Dm6, C, Am, D7, E7, F
Capo: 3rd fret (to play along with the video in Bb Major)
Extra: Guitar Tab Intro
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Homeward Bound
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
Intro Timing: 4/4 | 1& 2& 3& 4& | 1& 2& 3 & 4& |
1. I'm sit-tin' in the rail-way station,
Bm Dm6 E7
Got a tick-et to my des-ti-na-tion Mm-mm-mm...
Am F
On a tour of one-night stands my suit-case and gui-tar in hand.
G D7
And ev-'ry stop is neat-ly planned for a po-et and a one-man band.
Home-ward bound I wish I was Home-ward bound
G Am G F C
Home where my thought's es-cap-ing,
G Am G F C
Home where my mu - sic's play-ing,
G Am G F C D7 G
Home where my love lies wait-ing Si-lent-ly for me.
2. Ev-'ry day's an end-less stream
Bm Dm6 E7
Of cig-a-rettes and mag-a-zi-i-ines Mm-mm-mm...
Am F
And each town looks the same to me, the mov-ies and the fac-tor-ies
G D7
And ev-'ry strang-er's face I see re-minds me that I long to be,
Home-ward bound I wish I was Home-ward bound
G Am G F C
Home where my thought's es-cap-ing,
G Am G F C
Home where my mu - sic's play-ing,
G Am G F C D7 G
Home where my love lies wait-ing Si-lent-ly for me.
3. To-night I'll sing my songs a-gain,
Bm Dm6 E7
I'll play the game and pre-te-e-end Mm-mm-mm...
Am F
But all my words come back to me in shades of me-di-oc-ri-ty
G D7
Like emp-ti-ness in har-mon-y I need some-one to com-fort me.
Home-ward bound I wish I was Home-ward bound
G Am G F C
Home where my thought's es-cap-ing,
G Am G F C
Home where my mu - sic's play-ing,
G Am G F C D7 G
Home where my love lies wait-ing Si-lent-ly for me.
D7 G G C G
Si-lent-ly for me...| - | |
Alternative Chords: D/F# can be played instead of Bm, and Dm/F can be played instead of Dm6
Guitar Tab Intro
Please Note:- Symbols in brackets represent chord names with respect to a guitar with a capo on the 3rd fret.
- Symbols above brackets represent the actual chords without a capo.

Song Details:
- Songwriter: Paul Simon
- Lyrics Begin: I'm sittin' in the railway station, got a ticket for my destination.
- Performing Artists: Simon and Garfunkel
- Single:
Recorded: December 14, 1965
Released: January 19, 1966
B-side: Leaves That Are Green - Genre: Folk rock, Jangle pop
- Album: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme
Recorded: December 1965 – August 1966
Released: October 24, 1966
- Homeward Bound
- Mrs Robinson
- The Sound Of Silence