Hotel California chords
by The EaglesKey: Bm (Relative to D Major)
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 74 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Chords: Bm, F#7, A, Asus2, E, E9, G, D, Em
Extra: Guitar TAB for the first 8 bars
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Hotel California
The Relative Major Key of Bm is highlighted - Transpose to any other key.Bm F#7 A E G D Em F#7 Intro: 4/4 ‖: | | | | | | | :‖ Bm F#7 1. On a dark de-sert high-way Cool wind in my hair A E Warm smell of col-i-tas Ris-ing up through the air G D Up a-head in the dis-tance I saw a shim-mer-ing light Em F#7 My head grew hea-vy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night Bm F#7 2. There she stood in the door-way I heard the mis-sion bell A E And I was thin-king to my-self This could be Hea-ven or this could be Hell G D Then she lit up a can-dle And she showed me the way Em F#7 There were voi-ces down the cor-ri-dor I thought I heard them say G D Chorus: Welcome to the Ho-tel Cal-i-for-nia F#7 Bm Such a love-ly place (Such a love-ly place) Such a love-ly face G D Plen-ty of room at the Ho-tel Cal-i-for-nia Em F#7 Any time of year (Any time of year) You can find it here Bm F#7 3. Her mind is ‘Tif-fa-ny twist-ed’ She got the Mer-ce-des bends (ooh) A E She got a lot of pret-ty pret-ty boys She calls friends G D How they dance in the court-yard Sweet sum-mer sweat Em F#7 Some dance to re-mem-ber Some dance to for-get Bm F#7 4. So I called up the Cap-tain “Please bring me my wine" A E He said, "We have-n't had that spi-rit here Since nine-teen six-ty nine" G D And still those voi-ces are cal-ling from far a-way Em F#7 Wake you up in the mid-dle of the night Just to hear them say-ay G D Chorus: Welcome to the Ho-tel Cal-i-for-nia F#7 Bm Such a love-ly place (Such a love-ly place) Such a love-ly face G D They’re liv-in' it up at the Ho-tel Cal-i-for-nia Em F#7 What a nice sur-prise (what a nice sur-prise) Bring your al-i-bis Bm F#7 5. Mir-rors on the ceil-ing The pink cham-pagne on ice A E And she said "We are all just pris-on-ers here Of our own device" G D And in the mas-ter's cham-bers They ga-thered for their feast Em F#7 They stab it with their steel-y knives But they just can't kill the beast Bm F#7 6. Last thing I re-mem-ber I was run-ning for the door A E I had to find the pas-sage back To the place I was be-fore G D "Relax" said the night man "We are pro-grammed to re-ceive Em F#7 You can check-out a-ny time you like But you can ne-ver leave!" Bm F#7 A E G D Em F#7 Outro: ‖: | | | | | | | :‖ x4 ...repeat to fade or end on Bm
Chords, Intro Tab, and Playing Tips:
- Level Of Ease: If you just want to strum along, the song is very easy to play.
- Song Key: B Minor (2 sharps - F#, C#) - relative to D major (share the same key signature)
- The Intro to this song is probably one of the most famous of all time. It has a very distinct sound, and if you play it on a 12 string guitar and use
the same picking style, it sounds amazing. The guitar TAB for the first 8 bars looks like this... notice the slight chord alterations to suit the picking notes, F#7, Asus2 and E9.
- If there are 2 of you playing, one guitarist can play the normal chords in B Minor while the other guitarist plays in the key of E Minor with the capo on the 7th fret... sounds great.
- Beginners: If you haven't learned barre chords yet, play in the key of E Minor with easy chords: Em, B7, D, Dsus2, A, A9, C, G, Am. Don't forget, Capo on 7 if playing with the video. You will also need to press the 'G' button on the transposer (relative to E Minor).
- This is a great song to have in your repertoire. It is 'The Eagles' signature song, and with good reason.
Song Details:
- Songwriters: Glenn Frey, Don Felder, Don Henley
- Lyrics Begin: On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair.
- Performing Artists: The Eagles
- Single:
Recorded: 1976
Released: February 22, 1977
B-side: Pretty Maids All in a Row - Genre: Rock
- Album: Hotel California
Recorded: March – October 1976
Released: December 8, 1976
- Hotel California
- Peaceful Easy Feeling