In My Life chords

by The Beatles

Song Key: A Major

Time Signature: 4/4

Tempo: 102 bpm

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner / Intermediate

Chords: A, A7, E, E7, F#m, D, Dm, G, B7

Beginners: Easy way to play F#m (see charts below)

Chord Chart Legend
A Major A7 E Major E7 F#m F#m V2 D Major Dm G Major B7
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
A Major-LH A7-LH E Major-LH E7-LH F#m-LH F#m V2-LH D Major-LH Dm-LH G Major-LH B7-LH

In My Life

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
                   A          E          A          E
Intro:  4/4   ‖  (Riff)  |          |  (Riff)  |          ‖
             A            F#m         A7
1. There are pla-ces I re-mem-ber - 
          D          Dm        A
   All my life  -       Though some have changed
            A             F#m         A7
   Some for-e-ver not for bet-ter -
             D        Dm      A
   Some have gone -       And some re-main
             F#m               D
** All these pla-ces had their mom-ents
        G                     A
   With lov-ers and friends I still can re-call
            F#m               B7
   Some are dead and some are liv-ing
       D   Dm           A
   In  my  life    I’ve loved them all

         A           E           
   ‖   (Riff)   |         ‖

          A                     F#m         A7
2. But of all these friends and lov-ers -
              D    Dm         A
   There  is  no - one    Com-pares with you
             A                    F#m         A7
   And these mem-‘ries lose their mean-ing -
          D        Dm      A
   When I think of love as some-thing new
            F#m                      D
** Though I know I’ll ne-ver lose af-fec-tion
       G                       A
   For peop-le and things that went be-fore 
     F#m                               B7
   I know I’ll of-ten stop and think a-bout them
       D    Dm          A
   In  my  life    I’ll love you more
          A    F#m     A7    D     Dm    A          F#m    A7   D    Dm    A
Instr: ‖     |      –     |     –     |     |  %  |     –     |   –     |     ‖

            F#m                      D
** Though I know I’ll ne-ver lose af-fec-tion
       G                       A
   For peop-le and things that went be-fore 
     F#m                               B7
   I know I’ll of-ten stop and think a-bout them
       D    Dm          A
   In  my  life    I’ll love you more

       A           E
  ‖  (Riff)  |          In |  my    life    I’ll love you (more)

       A       E     E7      A                               
   |   more  |    -      |   𝄑   ‖       
    (End Riff)

 * Each row represents a string from Top e - highest sounding
   to bottom E - lowest sounding
 * Each number represents the fret which the note is played on
 * retain the order of notes played from left to right

Riff: e|---5-------4-|

End   e|---5-------4--4--2--4-5----|
Riff: B|-2---2-3-5-----------------|

Notes and Helpful Tips

  • Beginners: F#m is generally played as a barre chord. For those of that haven't learned barre chords yet, there is an alternative voicing which is fairly easy to play (see charts above). If you can play this, you are 'more than ready' to start learning barre chords. 😎 💕
  • The introduction consists of a Riff which is written in Tab on the song sheet. It is played on the bottom 2 strings of the guitar (E & B string), between the 2nd and 5th frets.
  • There is a Riff and an End Riff. The Riff is played twice during the Intro, and once everywhere else. Each Riff is 2 bars in length, while the End Riff is 3 bars in length.
  • If you can't read Tab, don't worry - you can just play an A chord for 1 bar followed by an E chord for 1 bar. It is very easy though... listen carefully and copy.
  • There are several positions where the riff can be played, but the one shown here matches the tab, and is likely the easiest to master.
  • Wherever you see a hyphen between 2 chords, that indicates 2 beats for each chord, e.g., D - Dm indicates 2 beats on D and 2 beats on Dm. The same applies to F#m - A7, and E - E7.
  • The Transposer doesn't enable bars on the same line as chords, therefore the bars and hyphens are placed directly below the chords e.g.,
      E    E7
    |    -    |

Song Details:

  • Songwriters: John Lennon & Paul McCartney
  • Date: 1965
  • Lyrics Begin: There are places I'll remember all my life, though some have changed.
  • Performing Artists: The Beatles
  • Single Recorded: 18 and 22 October 1965
  • Single Released: 3 December 1965
  • Album: Rubber Soul
  • Recorded: 12 October – 11 November 1965
  • Released: 3 December, 1965
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A seasoned performer joyfully playing the guitar