Isle Of Innisfree chords
by Orla FallonSong Key: G Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 68 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner (easy chords)
Guitar Chords: G, C, Am, D, D7, A, G7
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Isle Of Innisfree
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyIntro: Harp
G C Am
1. I've met some folk who say I am a dream-er | |
D D7 G
And I've no doubt there's truth in what they say
G C Am
But sure a bod-ies bound to be a dream-er | |
D D7 G
When all the things he loves are far a-way
G C Am
2. And prec-ious things are dreams unto an e-xile | |
D D7 G
They take him o'er the land a-cross the sea
G C Am
Es-pec-ially when it hap-pens he's an e-xile | |
D D7 G G7
From that dear lov-ely Isle of In-nis-free | |
And when the moon-light peeps a-cross the roof tops
A D D7
Of this great ci-ty wond-rous tho it be | |
G C Am
I scarc-ely feel its won-der or its laugh-ter | |
D D7 G
I'm once a-gain back home in In-nis-free
| | | 𝄎 | |
G C Am
3. I wan-der o'er green hills through dream-y val-leys | |
D D7 G
And find a peace no oth-er land would know
G C Am
I hear the birds make mu-sic fit for an-gels | |
D D7 G
And watch the ri-vers laugh-ing as they flow
G C Am
4. And then in-to a humb-le shack I wan-der | |
D D7 G
My dear old home and tend-erly be-hold
G C Am
The folks I love a-round the turf fire gath-ered | |
D D7 G G7
On bend-ed knee their Ros-a-ry is told | |
But dreams don't last though dreams are not for-got-ten
A D D7
And soon I'm back to stern re-a-li-ty | |
G C Am
But though they pave the foot-paths here with gold dust | |
D D7 G
I still would choose my Isle of In-nis-free
Please Note: You may find it a little difficult to strum along with Orla and her harp. Just try playing down-strokes with every chord change until you become
familiar with the piece.
Song Details:
- Songwriter: Dick Farrelly - Irish songwriter, policeman and poet, born Feruary 17, 1916 in Kells, County Meath, Ireland.
- Date: 1950
- Lyrics Begin: I've met some folk who say I am a dreamer,
- Performing Artist: Orla Fallon
- Genre: Irish Folk Song
- Album: My Land
Released: 2011
Country: US
Format: CD, Album
Label: Elevation (5)
Orla Fallon

Born: Órlagh Fallon on 24th August 1974 in 24 August 1974 in Knockananna, County Wicklow, Ireland
Active Years: 1984 - present
Instruments: Vocals, Harp
Music Styles: Celtic, Adult contemporary, New Age
Associations: Anúna, Celtic Woman, The Duggans, Moya Brennan, Jim Brickman