Jersey Giant chords
by Elle KingSong Key: Bb Major
Key Signature: 2 flats (Bb, Eb)
Piano Chords: Bb, Cm, Eb, F, Fsus4, F7
Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)
Tempo: 88 bpm (Moderate)
Vocal Range: F3 - F4
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar Chords in G Major: G, Am, C, D, Dsus4, D7
Capo: 3rd fret (to play along with the video in Bb Major)
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Jersey Giant
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyG D Am C Intro: 4/4 ... ‖ | | | ‖ G D 1. I re-mem-ber all them sum-mers Am C Play-ing 'til my fin-gers bled G D You'd sing the songs and I'd sing with you Am C We'd get drunk and go to bed G D 2. Look-ing back at all them mem'-ries Am C Lord, I hate to sleep a-lone G D But if you ev-er get the no-tion Am C That you need me, let me know G Chorus: 'Cause it's just two hours to get there babe D I can make it back a-bout an hour or so Am Hold you close a-gainst my skin C I need a little warmth on a night so cold G Sing-ing songs that you used to sing D The one a-bout the la-dy in the long black veil Am Should have seen the warn-ings signs C But Lord I love to hear you wail G High and lone-some, hard and strong D E-ven if it was a lit-tle out of tune Am Hot-ter than socks on a jer-sey gi-ant C Lord I thought you hung the moon G D Am | | | | C Lord I thought you hung the moon G D 3. I re-mem-ber all them win-ters Am C Drink-ing Wood-ford 'til we drowned G D We'd get wind a-bout a par-ty Am C Bun-dle up and go to town G D 4. Ne-ver wor-ry 'bout the po-lice Am C Ne-ver worr-ied much at all G D I miss those nights of reck-less glo-ry Am C And I'd come back if you'd just call G Chorus: 'Cause it's just two hours to get there babe D I can make it back a-bout an hour or so Am Hold you close a-gainst my skin C I need a little warmth on a night so cold G Sing-ing songs that you used to sing D The one a-bout the la-dy in the long black veil Am Should have seen the warn-ings signs C But Lord I love to hear you wail G High and lone-some, hard and strong D E-ven if it was a lit-tle out of tune Am Hot-ter than socks on a jer-sey gi-ant C Lord I thought you hung the moon G D Am C | | | | | Am C Bridge: I left town when we were o-ver Am C 'Cause it didn't feel the same Am C Every back-road had a mem-'ry Am D Dsus4 D7 And every memory held your na - a - ame... 𝄑 G Chorus: 'Cause it's just two hours to get there babe D I can make it back a-bout an hour or so Am Hold you close a-gainst my skin C I need a little warmth on a night so cold G Sing-ing songs that you used to sing D The one a-bout the la-dy in the long black veil Am Should have seen the warn-ings signs C But Lord I love to hear you wail G High and lone-some, hard and strong D E-ven if it was a lit-tle out of tune Am Hot-ter than socks on a jer-sey gi-ant C Lord I thought you hung the moon G D Am | | | | C G Lord I thought you hung the moon | 𝄑 |
Song Details:
- Songwriter: Tyler Childers
- Date: 2022
- Lyrics Begin: I remember all them summers, playing 'til my fingers bled.
- Artist: Elle King
- Single Release: November 11, 2022
- Album: Come Get Your Wife (27th January, 2023)
- Can't Be Loved
- Exes and Ohs
- Jersey Giant
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