Johnny Angel chords
by Shelley FabaresSong Key: C Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 110 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Intermediate
Chords: C, C7, D7, Dm7, F, G, G7, Gm7, Am, Am7
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Johnny Angel
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyC F Intro: (Johnny Angel, Johnny Angel, Johnny Angel) Dm7 G C Johnny Angel, you're an angel to me | % | C Am7 1. John-ny An-gel, how I love him F Dm7 He's got some-thing that I can't re-sist F Dm7 G7 C Am C Am But he does-n't even know that I - I - I ex - | ist - | - | C Am7 2. John-ny An-gel, how I want him F Dm7 How I tin-gle when he pas-ses by F Dm7 G7 C Am C Ev-'ry time he says hel-lo, my heart be-gins to | fly - | | Gm7 C7 Gm7 C Pre-Chorus: (I'm in Heav-en) I get car-ried a-way F I dream of him and me F And how it's gonna be Am7 D7 (Other fellas) Call me up for a date G But I just sit and wait D7 G7 I'd rath-er con-cen-trate C CH: On John-ny An-gel (John-ny An-gel) Am7 'Cause I love him ('Cause I love him) F Dm7 And I pray that someday he'll love me F And to-geth-er we will see Dm7 G C Am C How love-ly Heav-en will | be - | | Gm7 C7 Gm7 C Pre-Chorus: (I'm in Heav-en) I get car-ried a-way F I dream of him and me F And how it's gonna be Am7 D7 (Other fel-las) Call me up for a date G But I just sit and wait D7 G7 I'd rath-er con-cen-trate C CH: On John-ny An-gel (John-ny An-gel) Am7 'Cause I love him ('Cause I love him) F Dm7 And I pray that someday he'll love me F And to-geth-er we will see Dm7 G C How love-ly Heav-en will be Am7 Outro: (Johnny Angel, Johnny Angel) F John-ny An-gel (Johnny Angel) G C You're an an-gel to me Am7 (John-ny An-gel, John-ny An-gel) F John-ny An-gel (John-ny An-gel) G C You're an an-gel to me...
Song Details:
- Songwriters: Lee Pockriss, Lynn Duddy
- Lyrics Begin: Johnny Angel how I love him, he's got something that I can't resist.
- Performing Artist: Shelley Fabares
- Single:
Recorded: Fall 1961
Released: February 1962
B-side: Where's It Gonna Get Me - Genre: Pop
- Album: Shelley!
Recorded: 1961–1962
Released: June 1962