Landslide chords
by Fleetwood MacSong Key: Eb Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 80 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar Chords in C Major: C, Csus2, D7/F#, D5/A, Em, Em7, G/B, Am7, Am,
Capo: 3rd fret (to play along with the video in Eb Major)
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

C G/B Am7 G/B C G/B Am7 G/B Intro: 4/4 ‖ - | - | - | - ‖ C G/B Am7 G/B 1. I took my love I took it down | - | C G/B Am7 G/B I climbed a moun-tain and I turned a - | round - | C G/B Am7 G/B And I saw my re-flec-tion in the snow cov-ered hills C G/B Am7 G/B Till the land-slide brought me | down / / (oh) | C G/B Am G/B 2. Oh mir-ror in the sky What is | love? - | C G/B Am7 G/B Can the child with-in my heart Rise a - | bove? - | C G/B Am7 G/B Can I sail thru' the chan-ging o-cean tides? C G/B Am7 G/B C G/B Am7 G/B Can I han-dle the sea-sons of my life | - | - | C G/B Am7 D7 Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm G D7/F# Em Chorus: Well I've been a-fraid of chang-ing C G/B Am7 D7/F# 'Cause I built my life a-round | you - | G D7/F# Em7 But time makes you bold-er e-ven chil-dren get old-er C G/B Am7 G/B And I'm get-ting old-er | too / / | Csus2 G/B D5/A G/B Csus2 G/B Am7 G/B Instrumental: | - | - | - | - | C G/B D5/A G/B C G/B Am7 D7 | - | - | - | - | G D7/F# Em Chorus: Well I've been a-fraid of chang-ing C G/B Am7 D7/F# 'Cause I've built my life a-round you | | G D7/F# Em7 But time makes you bold-er e-ven child-ren get ol-der C G/B Am7 G/B C G/B Am7 G/B And I'm get-ting old-er | too - Oh | I'm get-ting ol-der | too - | C G/B Am7 - G/B 3. Ah ah Take my love take it down C G/B Am7 - G/B Ah-hah Climb a moun-tain and you turn a-round C G/B Am7 G/B And if you see my re-flec-tion in the snow co-vered hills C G/B Am7 G/B Well the land-slide will bring you | down - | C G/B Am7 G/B And if you see my re-flec-tion in the snow co-vered hills C G/B Am7 Well the land-slide will bring you down G/B C G/B Am Oh-oh The land-slide will bring you down...
Chords with Bass Notes & Fingerpicking Tips:
- Level Of Ease: Fairly easy once you get used to all the chords with bass notes. They all work well if you are finger-picking.
- For beginners that are not used to finger-picking, you can just strum the straight chord, e.g., instead of G/B, simply strum a G chord. The same applies to D7/F# - just strum a D7 chord. Replace D5/A with a D chord.
- G/B means you play a G chord leading with a B note instead of the usual G bass note. I have used the most common variation of this chord... x20033. You can experiment with your finger positioning... you may prefer to use fingers 2, 3, and 4 instead of 1, 3, and 4 - you could even try fingers 2 and 4 where the 2nd finger plays the B bass-note while the 4th finger is used to play strings 1 & 2 (mini-barre).
- The easiest way to play D7/F# is displayed on the chart, written as 200212... play a normal D7 with fingers 1, 3, & 4 (instead of 1, 2, & 3) and play the F# bass note with your second finger - string 6 fret 2.
- Another way of playing D7/F# is to play a normal D7 chord using fingers 1, 2 and 3 and if you have a good hand-span or narrow guitar neck, you can use your thumb to play the F# bass note on the 6th string.
- D5/A is a 5 chord leading with an A bass note...x0023x. A5 chord is a 2-note chord consisting of the 1st and 5th notes of the major scale which in this case are the notes D and A... because the chord is D5 we take notes from the D Major Scale which reads D-E-F#-G-A-B-C# with the 1st & 5th notes - D and A. Instead of leading with the usual D note, we lead with the A or 5th note as the chord suggests (D5/A)...x0023x equates to the notes x-A-D-A-D-x.
- 5 chords are also known as power chords.
- Song Key: E♭ Major... 3 flats - B♭, E♭, A♭
- Song Key with Capo on 3: C Major - No sharps or flats
- The hyphen between 2 chords means they share equal timing, e.g., | Am - G/B | indicates 2 beats on Am and 2 beats on G/B.
- | Am7 / / G/B | indicates 3 beats on Am7 and 1 beat on G/B. The repeat sign (/) is used to repeat the previous chord within a bar... more help reading song charts on this site if you need it.
Song Details:
- Songwriter: Stevie Nicks
- Lyrics Begin: I took my love and I took it down. I climbed a mountain and I turned around.
- Performing Artists: Fleetwood Mac
- Genre: Rockabilly
- Album: Fleetwood Mac
Recorded: January–February 1975
Released: 11 July 1975
Format: 12" Vinyl
Label: Reprise Records