Let It Be chords

by The Beatles

Song Key: C Major

Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)

Tempo: 74 bpm (Moderately slow)

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner

Guitar Chords: C, G, Am, F, Dm, Dm7, Em, B♭

Beginners: If you haven't learned barre chords, see charts below for an easy voicing for Bb.

Chord Chart Legend
C Major G Major Am F Major F Major barre chord Dm Dm7 Em Bb Major Bb Major barre chord
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
C Major-LH G Major-LH Am-LH F Major-LH F Major barre chord-LH Dm-LH Dm7-LH Em-LH Bb Major-LH Bb Major barre chord-LH

Let It Be

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
             C     G    Am     F    C    G    F   C   Dm7  C
Intro: 4/4 ‖    -     |     -     |    -    | 1&  2   &    3&4& ‖
                                             (same timing throughout song)
          C               G                    Am            F
1. When I find my-self in times of troub-le    Mo-ther Ma-ry comes to me
   C                  G                   F  C   Dm7  C
   Spea-king words of wis-dom    Let it | be         -  |
       C             G                   Am                F
   And in my hour of dark-ness    She is stand-in right in front of me
  C                  G                    F  C   Dm7   C
   Spea-king words of wis-dom    Let it | be         -   |

               Am           G            F          C
Chorus: Let it be    Let it be    Let it be  Let it be
        C                 G                   F  C   Dm7   C
        Whis-per words of wis-dom    Let it | be         -   |

       C                G                  Am             F
2. And when the brok-en heart-ed people    Li-ving in the world a-gree
   C                G                   F  C   Dm7   C 
   There will be an an-swer    Let it | be         -   |
       C                  G                   Am                  F
   For though they may be part-ed    There is still a chance that they will see
   C                G                   F  C   Dm7   C
   There will be an an-swer    Let it | be         -   |

               Am           G            F            C
Chorus: Let it be    Let it be    Let it be    Let it be yeah
        C                G                   F  C   Dm7   C
        There will be an an-swer    Let it | be         -   |

               Am           G            F            C
Chorus: Let it be    Let it be    Let it be    Let it be
        C                 G                   F  C   Dm7   C
        Whis-per words of wis-dom    Let it | be         -   |

            F  Em    Dm   C  Bb    F  | G    F    C 
Bridge: ‖: 1& 2     &    3& 4     &  | 1&   2&   3& 4&  :‖

            C     G    Am     F    C     G     F   C   Dm7  C 
Instr:  ‖:    -     |     -     |    -      | 1&  2   &    3& 4& :‖

               Am           G            F              C
Chorus: Let it be    Let it be    Let it be yeah Let it be
        C                 G                   F   C   Dm7   C 
        Whis-per words of wis-dom    Let it | be          -   | 

       C                 G                   Am                 F
3. And when the night is cloud-y    There is still a light that shines on me
   C               G                   F  C    Dm7   C 
   Shine un-til to-mor-row    Let it | be          -   |
     C              G                  Am            F
   I wake up to the sound of mus-ic    Mo-ther Ma-ry comes to me
   C                  G                   F  C   Dm7    C 
   Speak-ing words of wis-dom    Let it | be          -   |

               Am           G            F              C
Chorus: Let it be    Let it be    Let it be yeah Let it be
        C                G                    F   C   Dm7   C
        There will be an an-swer     Let it | be          -   |

               Am           G            F              C 
Chorus: Let it be    Let it be    Let it be yeah Let it be
        C                G                    F   C   Dm7   C 
        There will be an an-swer     Let it | be          -   |

               Am           G            F              C
Chorus: Let it be    Let it be    Let it be yeah Let it be
        C                 G                   F   C   Dm7   C 
        Whis-per words of wis-dom    Let it | be          -   |

           F  Em    Dm   C  Bb    F  |   G     F     C
Outro: ‖         -             -    |            -      ‖   

Notes and Helpful Tips:

  • Level Of Ease: Fairly (need to know a B♭ barre chord, unless you play it in the open position - xx3331)
  • Song Key: C Major - no sharps or flats
  • In the Intro, you will notice several 'simile' marks (𝄍). This is a form of 'repeat' symbol where you repeat the previous chord within the bar. The more commonly used repeat symbol is (𝄎) where you have an exact repeat of the previous bar.
  • Intro: | C / G / | Play C for 2 beats and G for 2 beats. This could also be written as | C - G | where the dash or hyphen between 2 chords in a bar means the timing for each chord is split evenly.
  • What happens when there is a combintion like the following example.
  • Intro: | F C-Dm7 C / | Here we have a bar with a dash & repeat sign. The time signature is 4/4 ( 4 quarter-note beats per bar). This can be counted as | 1 2 3 4 | or | 1& 2& 3& 4& |.
  • If we use the | 1 2 3 4 | count, the bar would be viewed as |(F) (C-Dm7) (C) (C) |... 1 beat on F, 12 beat each on C & Dm7 (1 beat split evenly = 12 beat for each chord), and 2 beats on C.
  • If we use the | 1& 2& 3& 4& | count, the bar would be viewed as | (F&) (C-Dm7) (C&) (C&) |... the result is exactly the same (each entity is equal to 12 beat). 12 x 8 beats = 4 beats.

Song Details:

  • Songwriters: Written by Paul McCartney and credited to Lennon/McCartney.
  • Date: 1970
  • Lyrics Begin: When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me
  • Performing Artists: The Beatles
  • Single Recorded: 31 January and 30 April 1969, 4 January 1970
  • Single Released: 6 March 1970
  • Album: Let It Be
  • Recorded: 4, 8 February 1968, 24–31 January 1969, 3, 4, 8 January 1970, 1 April 1970
  • Released: 8 May 1970
The Song
Paul McCartney
Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney wrote the song after having a dream about his mother.

In the dream Paul’s mother (died when he was 14) told him, "It will be all right, just let it be". This dream occurred during a very tense period for the band while they were recording their 'White' album.

The single reached number 1 in the US and number 2 in the UK.

Won an Academy Award in 1971 for Original Song Score for the documentary film 'Let It Be'. It also won an Academy Award for Best Original Score written for a motion picture.

The final single released by The Beatles before Paul announced he was leaving the band. It is still very popular today and sits at number three in the 100 Best Beatles Songs list.

Official Website: paulmccartney.com

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