Mashed Potato Time chords
by Dee Dee SharpSong Key: D Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 130 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Chords: D, G, A, Bm
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Mashed Potato Time
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyD Intro: (It's the lat-est, it's the great-est, Bm Mashed Po-ta-to) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah D 1. (Ooh) A Mashed Po-ta-to start-ed long time a-go Bm (Wah ooh) With a guy named Slop-py Joe G (Wah ooh) You'll find this dance is so cool to do A (Wah ooh) Come on ba-by, wan-na teach it to you D CH: (Mashed Potato) Get up to the beat now Bm G (Mashed Potato) Mmm, come on and twist your feet now, ba-by (It's the latest) Come on, honey A (It's the greatest) Come on, ba-by (Mashed Potato) Mmm, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah D 2. (Ooh) And then this dance just grew and grew Bm (Wah ooh) They look for re-cords they can do it to G (Wah ooh) They found this dance was out-ta sight A (Wah ooh) Do-in' The Lion Sleeps To-night D CH: (Mashed Potato) Yeah, weem-o-wep a weem-o-wep a Bm G (Mashed Potato) Mmm, yeah, yeah, yeah, yea-eh (It's the latest) Come on, ba-by A (It's the greatest) Come on, hon-ey (Mashed Potato) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah D Bm G A Instr: | | % | | % | | % | | % | (Ooh) (Wah ooh) (Wah ooh) (Wah ooh)... D 3. (Ooh) Now ev'-ry-body is do-in' fine (Wah ooh) Bm (Wah ooh) They dance a-lone or a big boss line G (Wah ooh) Then they dis-cov-ered it's the most, man A D (Wah ooh) The day they did it to Please Mr. Post-man CH: (Mashed Potato) Wait a min-ute, wait a min-ute Bm G (Mashed Potato) De-liv-er de let-ter yeah (It's the latest) Come on, ba-by A (It's the greatest) C'mon, hon-ey (Mashed Potato) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah D 4. (Ooh) Well, they got with it more and more Bm (Wah ooh) You ought to see 'em a-round the floor G (Wah ooh) The Mashed Po-ta-to took a long, long list A (Wah ooh) They even do it to Dear Lady Twist D CH: (Mashed Potato) Mmm, get up from your chair now Bm G (Mashed Potato) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah - Yea-eah-eah (It's the latest) Come on, ba-by A (It's the greatest) C'mon, hon-ey (Mashed Potato) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah D Bm Outro: (Ooh) Ah yeah G (Wah ooh) Ah yeah yeah yeah yeah - Yea-eah-eah A (Wah ooh) Come on, ba-by C'mon, hon-ey...
Simple 4-Chord Progression & Key Adjustment Tips
This song is a 4 chord turnaround. It repeats the same 4 chords in the same order throughout the entire song. D - Bm - G - A
If beginners find the Bm a little difficult, you will find the key of C Major easier, with chords: C - Am - F - G. Use the Transposer, and if you're playing along with the video, place a Capo on the 2nd fret.
The song refers to a dance move which was a fad during the early 60s.
Song Details:
- Songwriters: Kal Mann, Bernie Lowe
- Lyrics Begin: It's the latest. It's the greatest.
- Performing Artist: Dee Dee Sharp
- Single:
Recorded: 1962
Released: 1962
B-side: Set My Heart at Ease - Genre: R&B, Pop
- Album: It's Mashed Potato Time
Released: May 1962