Massachusetts chords

by The Bee Gees

Song Key: G Major

Time Signature: 4/4

Tempo: 103 bpm

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner

Easy Chords: G, Am, C, D, D7

Chord Chart Legend
G Major Am C Major D Major D7
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
G Major-LH Am-LH C Major-LH D Major-LH D7-LH


Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
Intro: 4/4 |     |  %  |  %  |  %  |       

   G               Am      C          G 
1. Feel I'm go-in' back to Mas - sa - chu - setts |     |
   G                     Am   C       G
   Some-thing's tel-ling me I must go home |     | 
           G                             C
   And the lights all went out in Mas-sa-chu-setts
             G        D7               G      D
   The day I left her stand-ing on her own |     |

   G                Am      C        G 
2. Tried to hitch a ride to San Fran-cis-co |     | 
   G             Am       C      G
   Got-ta do the things I wan-na do |     | 
           G                             C
   And the lights all went out in Mas-sa-chu-setts
                   G       D7              G      D
   They brought me back to see my way with you |     |

   G              Am      C          G 
3. Talk about the life in Mas - sa - chu - setts |     | 
   G               Am      C      G
   Speak about the peo-ple I have seen |     | 
           G                             C
   And the lights all went out in Mas-sa-chu-setts                 
              G            D7                        G
   And Mas-sa-chu-setts is one... place... I... have seen 
                                                    (I will re-)
       G          Am      C      G
   ||: I will  re-mem-ber Mas-sa-chu-setts :|| ... (repeat to fade)
                                (I will re-)
   Live Version ending: Ma....

Song Details:

  • Songwriters: Robin Gibb, Barry Gibb, Maurice Gibb
  • Lyrics Begin: Feel I'm going back to Massachusetts; something's telling me I must go home.
  • Performing Artists: The Bee Gees
  • Single:
    Recorded: 9–17 August 1967
    Released: 19 September 1967
    B-side (US): Sir Geoffrey Saved the World
    B-side (UK): Barker of the UFO
  • Genre: Pop, Country, Psychedelia
  • Album: Horizontal
    Recorded: 17 July – 29 November 1967
    Released: January 1968
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