The Mountains Of Pomeroy chords
by Tommy Fleming ft. De DannanSong Key: Ab Major
Time Signature: 2/2
Tempo: 73 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner (easy chords)
Guitar Chords in G Major: G, Am, C, D, Em
Capo: 1st fret (to play along with the video in Ab Major)
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

The Mountains of Pomeroy
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyG D G Intro: 2/2 | | | | 𝄎 | G D Em C 1. The morn was break-ing bright and fair G Em Am D The lark sang in the sky, | | G D Em C When the maid she bound her gol-den hair G D G With a blythe glance in her eye | 𝄎 | G Em C D 2. For who be-yond the gay green-wood, G Em C D Was wait-ing her with joy | | G D Em C Oh who but gal-lant Re-nar-dine G D G On the moun-tains of Po-me-roy. | 𝄎 | G D Em C 3. Full of-ten in the daw-ning hour G Em C D Full oft' in twi-light brown | | G D Em C He met the maid in the wood-land bo-wer G D G Where the stream comes foam-ing down | 𝄎 | G D Em Am D 4. For they were faith-ful in a love G Em Am D No wars could e'er des-troy | | G D Em C No ty-rant's law touched Re-nar-dine, G D G On the moun-tains of Po-me-roy | 𝄎 | G D Em C 5. Dear love she said I am so a-fraid G Em Am D For the foe-man's force and you | | G D Em C They've tracked you in the low-land's plain G D G And all the val-ley through | 𝄎 | G Em Am D 6. My kins-men frown when you are named G Em Am D Your life they would des-troy | | G D Em C Be-ware they say of Re-nar-dine G D G On the moun-tains of Po-me-roy | 𝄎 | G D Em C 7. Fear not fear not sweet-heart he cried G Em Am D Fear not the foe for me | | G D Em C No chain shall fall, what-e'er be-tide G D G On the arms which will be free! | 𝄎 | G Em Am D 8. Oh leave your cruel kin and come G Em C D When the lark is in the sky. | | G D Em C And it's with my gun I will guard you well G D G On the moun-tains of Po-me-roy | 𝄎 | G D Em C 9. When the morn had come, she rose and fled G Em Am D From her cruel kin and her home | | G D Em C And bright the wood and ro-sy red G D G And the tum-bling tor-rent's foam | 𝄎 | G Em C D 10. But the mist came down and the tem-pest roared, G Em Am D And all a-round des - troy - ed G D Em C And a pale drowned bride met Re-nar-dine G D G On the moun-tains of Po-me-roy | 𝄎 | G D Em C ** An out-lawed man in a land for-lorn G Em C D He scorned to turn and fly | | G D Em C But he kept the cause of free-dom safe G D G U-pon the moun-tain high | 𝄎 | G Em Am D G Em Am D | | | | | | | | | G D Em C G D G | | | | | | | |...
Song Details:

- Composer: Traditional
- Lyricists: George Sigerson (11 Jan 1836 – 17 Feb 1925) - Irish physician, scientist, writer, politician and poet.
- Date: ?
- Lyrics Begin: The morn was breaking bright and fair, the lark sang in the sky
- Genre: Irish Folk Song
- Featured Artist: Tommy Fleming
- Album: The Essential Collection
Released: Nov 27, 2006
Country: Ireland
Format: 2xCD
Label: Emerald