Left Handers

If the root note on the 6th string is G (3rd & 15th fret), the chord will be G7; A (5th & 17th fret), the chord will be A7; F (1st & 13th fret), the chord will be F7 etc.
The most common chord here is the middle one followed by the third one - these are the standard 'E7 shape' barre chords.
If you love picking, you will love the first shape. You can't play strings 1 & 5, but if you are a seasoned finger-picker, you will find this easy to play... and it sounds great.
Strumming the first shape is a little awkward, as you have to avoid strings 1 & 5.

Left Handers

The most common chord here is the 1st chord - the standard 'A7' shape barre chord. The reason for so many circles with the number 1 is that you have options depending how you want to play it. If you play only strings 2, 3, 4, and 5, you can omit the optional notes, however if you do this, you need to avoid hitting strings 1 & 6. You may want to play the first 5 strings and omit the 6th... the choice is yours.
If you decide not to use the optional notes, make sure you don't play the string unless that string is a note within the chord and you prefer the sound of it. Again, the choice is yours.
The second example is easier than the 3rd, as it is hard to avoid string 2 in the 3rd example if you are strumming... both chords are ideal for picking
The 3rd example is a standard B7 shape played on the first 2 frets in which case you can play the second string... with all other positions you need to omit the second string.

Left Handers

The second chart is easier than the first, but once you get used to stretching a four fret span, you'll be glad you did. This chord is more suited to higher neck positions as the width of each fret narrows as you move higher up the fretboard.
You can also use the first finger and play a mini barre on strings 4 & 5. You can even barre strings 1-5 as the lower 3 strings are covered. (Pretend you are playing a Dm chord with a 4 or 5 string barre in front of it). If you decide not to use the optional note, avoid playing the string unless the note is part of the chord, in which case you may decide to keep it.