Nights In White Satin chords
The Moody Blues
Song Key: E Minor (Relative to G Major)
Time Signature: 6/8
Tempo: 54 bpm (♩.)
Metronome: 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Beats on red notes)
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Chords: Em, F, G, A, B, C, D
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Nights In White Satin
The Relative Major Key of Em is highlighted - Transpose to any other key.Em D Em D Intro: 6/8 ‖ | | | ‖ Em D Em D 1. Nights in white sa-tin Ne-ver reach-ing the end C G F Em Let-ters I’ve writ-ten Ne-ver mean-ing to send Em D Em D Beau-ty I’d al-ways mis-sed With these eyes be-fore C G F Em Just what the truth is I can’t say any-more A C Chorus: ‘Cause I love you Yes I love you Em D Em D Oh how I | love you | | | | Em D Em D 2. Gaz-ing at peop-le Some hand in hand C G F Em Just what I’m go-ing through They can’t un-der-stand Em D Em D Some try to tell me Thoughts they can-not de-fend C G F Em Just what you want to be You’ll be in the end A C Chorus: And I love you Yes I love you Em D Em D Em Em Oh how I | love you| | Oh how I love | you | | 𝄑 | Em D C B Em D C B Instr: ‖ | | | | | | | ‖ Em C Em C Am B Am B ‖ | | | | | | | ‖ Em D C Em D Em D ‖ | | | | | | ‖ Em D Em D 3. Nights in white sa-tin Ne-ver reach-ing the end C G F Em Let-ters I’ve writ-ten Ne-ver mean-ing to send Em D Em D Beau-ty I’d al-ways mis-sed With these eyes be-fore C G F Em Just what the truth is I can’t say any-more A C Chorus: ‘Cause I love you Yes I love you Em D Em D Em Oh how I |love you| | Oh how I |love you| | 𝄎 | A C ‘Cause I love you Yes I love you Em D Em D Em Oh how I |love you| | Oh how I love | you | |...
Song Details:
- Songwriter: Justin Hayward - guitarist and frontman of the rock band, the Moody Blues
- Lyrics Begin: Nights in white satin never reaching the end,
- Performing Artists: Moody Blues
- Single:
Recorded: 8 October 1967
Released: 3 November 1967
B-side: Cities - Genre: Symphonic rock, pop
- Album: Days of Future Passed
Recorded: 9 May – 3 November 1967
Released: 17 November 1967