Sixteen Going On Seventeen chords

from The Sound Of Music

Original Published Key: F Major

Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)

Tempo: Moderately

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Intermediate

Chords: F, F6, F7, F+, Fm6, G7, G9, Gm7, C7, C7b9, C9, C+, Dm, Dm7, D7, Bb, Bb-5, Bbm7

PS: See notes below if you are playing with the video.

The first verse is omitted in the video clip... starts at the first refrain.

Chord Chart Legend
F Major F7 F Major F+ F6 Fm6 G7 G9 Gm7 C7 C7b9 C9 C+ Dm Dm7 D7 Bb Major Bb-5 Bbm7

Added chords in the key of D Major:

E9 G-5 Gm7 A9 Aaug A7b9 A7b9 - V2
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
F Major F7 F Major F+ F6 Fm6 G7 G9 Gm7 C7 C7b9 C9 C+ Dm Dm7 D7 Bb Major Bb-5 Bbm7

Added chords in the key of D Major:

E9 G-5 Gm7 A9 Aaug A7b9 A7b9 - V2

Sixteen Going On Seventeen

Verse 1 and the first refrain (male part) is in the key of Ab Major - place a Capo on the 3rd fret and all is well.

Second refrain (female part) there is a key change to D Major - you will need to move the capo to the 9th fret which may sound a little odd... as long as you have enough neck-room, it is possible but not entirely desirable. 

An alternative, is to stop the video and press 'D' on the Transposer (D Major). The chords are all very easy to play with a few exceptions which are all included in the Chord Charts.

The optional Interlude and 3rd refrain of the song is also in D Major, but is not included in the video clip, which can be found at:

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
       F                         G9
1. You wait, lit-tle girl, on an emp-ty stage
       Gm7              F6
   For fate to turn the light on
        F                         G9
   Your life, lit-tle girl, is an emp-ty page
        Gm7              F6             Faug  Dm   C7
   That men will want to write on    To write on |     |...

           F                C7
Refrain 1: You are six-teen go-ing on sev-en-teen
           F                     Dm7     G9
           Ba-by, it's time to | think -     | 
           C9                  F
           Bet-ter be-ware, be can-ny and care-ful
           Gm7           G7       C7        Caug
           Ba-by, you're on the | brink! / /     |

           F                C7
           You are six-teen go-ing on sev-en-teen
           F                       Dm7     G9
           Fel-lows will fall in | line -     |
           C9                    F
           Ea-ger young lads and rogues and cads
                Gm7        C9       F
           Will of-fer you food and wine.

           Bb               Bb-5
           To-tal-ly un-pre-pared are you
              F7              Bb
           To face a world of men.
           Bb                 Bb-5
           Tim-id and shy and scared are you
              F                     G7     C7
           Of things be-yond your | kin -     |

           F                 C7
           You need some-one old-er and wis-er
           F                    Bbm7
           Tell-ing you what to do
           F                D7
           I am sev-en-teen go-ing on eight-een
           G9        C7b9    F    G7     C7
           I'll take care of you |    -     |

           F             C7
Refrain 2: I am six-teen go-ing on sev-en-teen
           F                   Dm7     G9
           I know that I'm na-|ive  -     |
           C9                  F
           Fel-lows I meet may tell me I'm sweet
               Gm7         G7       C7          Caug
           And will-ing-ly I'll be-|lieve. / /       |

           F             C7
           I am six-teen go-ing on sev-en-teen
           F                 Dm7     G9
           In-no-cent as a | rose  -    |
           C9                   F
           Bach-e-lor dan-dies, drink-ers of bran-dies
           Gm7       C9      F
           What do I know of those?

           Bb               Bb-5
           To-tal-ly un-pre-pared am I
              F7              Bb
           To face a world of men
           Bb                 Bb-5
           Tim-id and shy and scared am I
              F                   G7    C7
           Of things be-yond my | kin -    |

           F               C7
           I need some-one old-er and wis-er
           F                   Bbm7
           Tell-ing me what to do
           F                   D7
           You are sev-en-teen go-ing on eight-een
           G9      C7b9    F
           I'll de-pend on you |  𝄎  | 
             F               C7       Gm7  C7 
Interlude: A bell is no bell till you ring it,
             F                        G7 
           A song is no song till you sing it,
               F                          Fm6 
           And love in your heart was-'nt put there to stay,
           F6                        Gm7     C7     F7    F6    Faug     F
           Love is-n't love till you give it a  - | way -     |       -     | 

           F                    C7
Refrain 3: When you're six-teen go-ing on sev-en-teen
           F                      Dm7      G9 
           Wait-ing for life to | start -     |
           C9                  F
           Some-bod-y kind who touch-es your mind 
                Gm7        G7           C7         Caug
           Will sud-den-ly touch your | heart! / /      |

           F                   C7
           When thet hap-pens, af-ter it hap-pens,
           F                       Dm7     G9 
           Noth-ing is quite the | same  -     |
           C9                      F
           Some-how you kno you'll jump up and go
              Gm7      C9         F
           If ev-er he calls your name!

           Bb                    Bb-5
           Gone are your old i - deas of life
               F7              Bb
           The old i-deas grow dim
           Bb                    Bb-5
           Lo and be-hold you're some-one's wife
               F                G7    C9
           And you be-long to | him -    |

           F                  C7
           You may think this kind of ad-ven-ture
           F                  Bbm7
           Nev-er may come to you
           F                 D7
           Dar-ling six-teen go-ing on sev-en-teen,
           G9          C7b9         F    
           Wait      a year      or two |  𝄎  |          

Song Details:

  • Composer: Oscar Hammerstein II
  • Lyricist: Richard Rodgers
  • Date: 1959
  • Lyrics Begin: You wait, little girl, on an empty stage for fate to turn the light on.
  • Featured Artists: Charmian Carr (as 'Liesl'), Daniel Truhitte (as 'Rolfe'), and Julie Andrews (as 'Maria') - 3rd refrain (separate video).
  • Album: The Sound Of Music (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
  • Released: March 2, 1965
  • Genre: Movie/TV, Show/Broadway, Soundtrack, Musical
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