Strangers in the Night chords
by Frank SinatraSong Key: F Major with a key change to G major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 90 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Intermediate
Chords: F, Fmaj7, F/A, G, Gmaj7, Gm, Gm7, Gdim7, G#dim7, Am, Am7, Adim7, C, C7, Cm, Dm7
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Strangers in the Night
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyFmaj7 C7 Intro: 4/4 | | % | % | | F Stran-gers in the night ex-chang-ing glan-ces Fmaj7 Won-d'ring in the night, What were the chances F We'd be shar-ing love F/A Abdim7 Gm Gm7 Be-fore the night was through | | Gm Some-thing in your eyes was so in-vit-ing Gm7 Some-thing in your smile was so ex-cit-ing C Some-thing in my heart C7 Fmaj7 Told me I must have you | % | Cm Stran-gers in the night Adim7 Two lone-ly peo-ple we were stran-gers in the night Up to the mo-ment Gm When we said our first hel-lo Gdim7 Lit-tle did we know F Dm7 Love was just a glance a-way Gm7 C7 A warm em-brac-ing dance a-way, and... F E-ver since that night we've been to-geth-er Fmaj7 Lo-vers at first sight, in love for-ev-er Gm C7 It turned out so right Gm7 C7 F For strang-ers in the night | % | Cm Adim7 Gm Instr: | | % | | % | | % | F Dm7 Love was just a glance a-way Gm7 C7 A warm em-brac-ing dance a-way... (key change) G Ev-er since that night we've been to-geth-er Gmaj7 Lo-vers at first sight, in love for-ev-er Am D7 It turned out so right Am7 D7 G Am7 For stran-gers in the night | | G Do be de be do... Do do do de da Gmaj7 Am7 Da da da da da de.... ah G Gmaj7 Am G | Feel | % | | % | | % | |...
Song Details:
- Composer: Bert Kaempfert
- Lyricists: Charles Singleton and Eddie Snyder
- Lyrics Begin: Strangers in the Night exchanging glances
- Performing Artist: Frank Sinatra
- Single:
Recorded: April 11, 1966
Released: April 12, 1966
B-side: Oh, You Crazy Moon - Genre: Traditional pop
- Album: Strangers in the Night
Recorded: April 11 – May 16, 1966
Released: May 30, 1966
Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra, often referred to as "Ol' Blue Eyes" or simply "The Voice," was one of the most influential singers of the 20th century. Born on December 12, 1915, in Hoboken, New Jersey, Sinatra's career spanned several decades, and he achieved remarkable success in various aspects of the entertainment industry, including music, film, and television.
Sinatra's rendition of "Strangers in the Night" became one of his signature songs and a significant milestone in his career. Released in 1966 as a single and later included in the album of the same name, the song marked a departure from Sinatra's earlier jazz and swing style towards a more contemporary pop sound. Despite initial skepticism from Sinatra himself about the song's potential, it went on to become one of his biggest hits and a commercial success.
The song reached the number one spot on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and also topped charts in various other countries around the world. It earned Sinatra several accolades, including Grammy Awards for Record of the Year and Best Male Pop Vocal Performance in 1967. It remains one of Sinatra's most recognizable songs, continuing in popularity the world over.
Songs by Frank Sinatra on this site:- My Way
- New York New York
- Strangers in the Night