Streets Of Philadelphia chords
by Bruce Springsteen
Song Key: F Major
Key Signature: 1 flat (Bb)
Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)
Tempo: 96 bpm (Moderately, with a beat)
Vocal Range: C4 - D5
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Intermediate
Chords: F, F/A, Am, Bb, Bbsus2, C, Csus4, Dm
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Streets Of Philadelphia
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key F Am
Intro: ‖ Drums | | ‖: | 𝄎 | | 𝄎 :‖
1. I was bruised and bat-tered, I could-n't tell what I felt
I was un-rec-og-ni-zable to my-self
I saw my re-flec-tion in a win-dow and I didn't know my own face
Oh bro-ther are you gon-na leave me wast-ing a-way
Bbsus2 F/A Csus4 C
On the streets of Phil-a-del-phi-a La la la La la la La la la la
Bbsus2 F/A Csus4 C
La la la La la la La la la La la la
2. I walked the a-ven-ue till my legs felt like stone
I heard the voi-ces of friends va-nished and gone
At night I could hear the blood in my veins
Just as black and whis-pe-ring as the rain
Bbsus2 F/A Csus4 C
On the streets of Phil-a-del-phi-a La la la La la la La la la la
Bbsus2 F/A Csus4 C
La la la La la la La la la La la la
Bb Dm
Bridge: Ain't no angel gonna greet me
Bb F
It's just you and I my friend
Am Bb
And my clothes don't fit me no more
Csus4 C
I walked a thousand miles just to slip this skin | 𝄎 |
3. The night has fal-len, I'm ly-in' a-wake
I can feel my-self fa-ding a-way
So re-ceive me bro-ther with your faith-less kiss
Or will we leave each o-ther a-lone like this
Bbsus2 F/A Csus4 C
On the streets of Phil-a-del-phi-a La la la La la la La la la la
Bbsus2 F/A Csus4 C
La la la La la la La la la La la la...(repeat to fade)
Beginners: If you haven't learned barre chords yet, you can transpose the song to C Major - all open chords. Unfamiliar chords like C/E (032010), Fsus2 (xx3011), and Gsus4 (330033) are all easy to play. If you are playing with the video, you will need a capo on the 5th fret.
Bruce Springsteen

Born: Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen on September 23, 1949 at Long Branch, New Jersey, U.S.
Profession: Singer, songwriter, musician
Music Styles: Rock,Americana, heartland rock
Active Years: 1964 - present
Awards: 20 Grammies, 2 Golden Globes, an Academy Award and a special Tony Award.
Song Details:- Songwriter: Bruce Springsteen
- Date: 1993
- Lyrics Begin: I was bruised and battered; I couldn't tell what I felt.
- Artist: Bruce Springsteen
- Album: Philadelphia Official Soundtrack
- Recorded: 1993
- Released: January, 1994
- Single Release: February 11, 1994