Surfin' U.S.A. chords
by The Beach BoysSong Key: Eb Major
Time Signature: 4/4 (♩)
Tempo: 160 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner (easy guitar song)
Guitar Chords in D Major: D, G, A7
Capo: 1st fret (to play along with the video in Eb Major)
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Surfin' U.S.A.
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyD D Intro: |(Guitar)| | ↓ (If ev'rybody had an) | A7 1. If ev-'ry-bo-dy had an o-cean D A-cross the U.S.A A7 Then ev-'ry-bod-y'd be surf-in' D Like Cal-i-for-ni-a G You'd see them wear-ing their bag-gies D Hua-ra-che san-dals too A7 A bush-y bush-y blond hair-do G D Surf-in' U.S.A A7 CH: You'd catch 'em surf-in' at Del Mar (Inside, outside, U.S.A.) D Ven-tu-ra Coun-ty line (Inside, outside, U.S.A.) A7 San-ta Cruz and Trestles (Inside, outside, U.S.A.) D Aus-tra-li-a's Nar-ra-been (Inside, outside, U.S.A.) G All o-ver Man-hat-tan (Inside, outside, U.S.A.) D And down Do-he-ny Way (Inside, outside) A7 Ev-'ry-bo-dy's gone surf-in' G D Surf-in' U.S.A A7 2. We'll all be plan-ning that route D We're gon-na take real soon A7 We're wax-ing down our surf-boards D We can't wait for June G We'll all be gone for the sum-mer D We're on sur-fa-ri to stay A7 Tell the tea-cher we're surf-in' G D Surf-in' U.S.A A7 CH: Hag-ger-ties and Swa-mis (Inside, outside, U.S.A.) D Pa-ci-fic Pa-li-sades (Inside, outside, U.S.A.) A7 San O-no-fre and Sun-set (Inside, outside, U.S.A.) D Re-don-do Beach LA (Inside, outside, U.S.A.) G All o-ver La Jol-la (Inside, outside, U.S.A.) D At Wa'-i-mea Bay (Inside, outside) A7 Ev-'ry-bo-dy's gone surf-in' G D Surf-in' U.S.A | % | A7 D A7 D Instr: | | % | | % | | % | | % | G D | | % | | D A7 Ev-'ry-bo-dy's gone surf-in' G D Surf-in' U.S.A D A7 Ev-'ry-bo-dy's gone surf-in' G D Surf-in' U.S.A... (repeat to fade)
Song Details:
- Songwriter: Chuck Berry
- Lyrics Begin: If ev'rybody had an ocean across the U.S.A.
- Performing Artists: The Beach Boys
- Single:
Recorded: January 5, 1963
Released: March 4, 1963
B-side: Shut Down - Genre: Vocal surf, rock and roll
- Album: Surfin' U.S.A.
Recorded: June 13, 1962; January 5 – February 12, 1963
Released: March 25, 1963