The End of the World chords
by Skeeter DavisSong Key: Bb Major with a key change to B Major
Time Signature: 12/8
Tempo: 60 bpm (♩.)
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Intermediate
Guitar Chords in A Major: A, Bb, Bm7, C#m7, Dm, D6, Dm6, Dm7, D#m, Eb6, Eb, Esus, E, F, F7, Fsus, F#7, F#m, Gm
Capo: 1st fret (to play along with the video in Bb Major)
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

The End of the World
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyA E F#m E Intro: 12/8 | 1&& 2&& - 3&& 4&& | 1&& 2&& - 3&& 4&& | A Esus E 1. Why does the sun go on | shin-ing? - | F#m C#m Why does the sea rush to shore? D6 Bm7 C#m7 F#7 Don't they know it's the end of the world? Bm7 Dm6 Esus E 'Cause you don't love me a-ny | more / / / | A E 2. Why do the birds go on sing-ing? F#m C#m Why do the stars glow a-bove? D6 Bm7 C#m7 F#7 Don't they know it's the end of the world? Bm7 E A It end-ed when I lost your love D A Bridge: I wake up in the morn-ing and I won-der Bm7 Esus E A Why ev-'ry-thing's the same as it was C#m7 F#7 I can't un-der-stand, no, I can't un-der-stand Bm7 Dm Esus E How life goes on the way it | does / / / | A Esus E 3. Why does my heart go on beat-ing? F#m C#m Why do these eyes of mine cry? D6 Bm7 C#m7 F#7 Don't they know it's the end of the world? Bm7 E A F It ended when you said good - | bye - (key change)| Bb Fsus F Outro: Why does my heart go on beat-ing? Hmm, hmm-mm Gm Dm Why do these eyes of mine cry? Hmm, hmm Eb6 Cm7 Dm7 G7 Don't they know it's the end of the world? Cm7 F Bb D#m Eb F7 Bb It end-ed when you said good - | bye - | - | 𝄑 |
Notes & Helpful Tips

Picking Pattern: 12/8 | ↓↓↓ ↑↑↑ ↓↓↓ ↑↑↑ |
Finger Pattern: 12/8 | TI2 321 TI2 321 |
| ♩. ♩. ♩. ♩. | OR
| ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ |
Count: | 1&& 2&& 3&& 4&& |
12/8 time signature consists of 12 beats per measure, with each beat represented by an eighth note. This is an example of Compound Quadruple time, where each measure is divided into four dotted quarter notes, each subdivided into three equal parts.
Alternatively, the song could be written in 4/4 time, with four beats per measure, each represented by a quarter note. In this case, each group of three strokes in the picking pattern would be equivalent in duration to a single quarter note.
All the "6" chords are very easy to play, and add interest to the song. You'll love the Eb6 - so much easier than Eb in the open position. The easiest way to play Eb6 is to barre the first 4 strings on the 1st fret with your first finger rather than using fingers 1 and 2 as charted. This leaves fingers 3 and 4 to play in a relaxed fashion without a huge stretch.
Eb Major does appear at the end of the song, but due to the number of barre chords, Eb using the A major shape with a barre on the 6th fret is very easy to play.
Remember that if you are using a capo, think of it as your new "Nut", as the Eb Major barre chord starts on the 6th fret from the Nut of the guitar, just as it would if you weren't using a capo.
Skill Level: Intermediate. Due of the amount of barre chords required in this song, beginners may find it a little testing. No matter what key you choose, there are barre chords, and the key change doesn't help! 🥺
Make sure you check out all the charts above for both righties and lefties, and if you are a beginner that hasn't learned barre chords, hopefully this will give you the impetus to start learning them - you'll be glad you did.
Song Details:
- Composer: Arthur Kent
- Lyricist: Sylvia Dee
- Producer: Chet Atkins - famous country guitarist
- Lyrics Begin: Why does the sun go on shining?
- Performing Artists: Skeeter Davis
- Single:
Recorded: June 8, 1962
Released: December 1962
B-side: Somebody Loves You, Blueberry Hill - Genre: Country pop
- Album: Skeeter Davis Sings The End of the World
Recorded: 1962
Released: March 1963