The Rose chords

by Bette Midler

Song Key: C Major

Time Signature: 4/4

Tempo: 68 bpm

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner (easy chords)

Chords: C, Cmaj7, G, G7, G7sus4, F, Fadd9, Em, Am7, Am7/G

Chord Chart Legend
C Major Cmaj7 Em Am7 Am7/G G Major G7 G7sus4 F Major F Major barre chord Fadd9
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
C Major-LH Cmaj7-LH Em-LH Am7-LH Am7/G-LH G Major-LH G7-LH G7sus4-LH F Major-LH F Major barre chord-LH Fadd9-LH

The Rose

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
Intro: 4/4  ‖       |   %   |  %   |   %   ‖
                                          (Some say)

            C                G7
1. Some say love     It is a riv-er 
        F            G       C
   That drowns   The ten-der reed
            C              G7
   Some say love   It is a ra-zor 
        F             G       C
   That leaves   Your soul to bleed
            Cmaj7          F     Fadd9
   Some say love   It is a hun-ger 
      F                  G7sus4    G7
   An end-less   Ach-ing need
         C              G
   I say love   It is a flow-er 
       F                C
   And you   It's on-ly seed |   %   (It's the)|
            C                  G
2. It's the heart   A-fraid of break-ing 
        F        G         C
   That nev-er   Learns to dance
            C                  G
   It's the dream   A-fraid of wak-ing
        F        G         C
   That nev-er   Takes the chance
            Em                   Am7        Am7/G
   It's the one   Who won't be | tak-en / /       |
       F                 G 
   Who can-not   Seem to give
           C                 G 
   And the soul   A-fraid of dy-in' 
        F        G         C
   That nev-er   Learns to live |  %   (When the)  |

            C                    G 
3. When the night   Has been too lone-ly 
           F          G        C 
   And the road   Has been too long
           C                    G 
   And you think   That love is on-ly 
           F        G       C 
   For the luck-y   And the strong
           Em                  Am7         Am7/G
   Just re-mem-ber   In the | win-ter / / (Far)  |
          F                   G 
   Far be-neath   The bit-ter snows
            C                    G 
   Lies the seed   That with the sun's love
          F           G         C       C       C      C   
   In the spring   Be-comes the rose ‖: x3 :‖ rit...|  𝄑  ‖

Song Details:

Album Cover
Album Cover
  • Songwriter: Amanda McBroom
  • Date: 1977
  • Lyrics Begin: Some say love it is a river that drowns the tender reed. Some say love it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed.
  • Performing Artists: Bette Midler
  • Single:
    Recorded: 1979
    Released: March 1980
    B-side: Stay with Me
  • Genre: Pop
  • Soundtrack Album: The Rose
    Released: December 3, 1979
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