Universal Solider chords
DonovanSong Key: B Major
Time Signature: 4/4
Tempo: 105 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner (easy chords)
Guitar Chords in G Major: G, Am7, C, D, Em
Capo: 4th fret (to play along with the video in B Major)
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Universal Solider
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyC D Intro: 4/4 | |2/4 |4/4 𝄎 | 𝄎 | C D G Em 1. He's five foot-two and he's six feet-four C D G He fights with mis-siles and with spears C D G Em He's all of thir-ty one and he's on-ly se-ven-teen C Am7 D Been a sol-dier for a thou-sand | years - | C D G Em 2. He'a a Catholic, a Hin-du, an Ath-e-ist, a Jain C D G A Bud-dhist, and a Bap-tist, and a Jew C D G Em And he knows he should-n't kill and he knows he al-ways will C Am7 D Kill you for me, my friend, and me for | you - | C D G Em 3. And he's fight-ing for Ca-na-da He's fight-ing for France C D G He's fight-ing for the U. S. A C D G Em And he's fight-ing for the Rus-sians and he's fight-ing for Ja-pan C Am7 D And he thinks we'll put an end to war this | way - | C D G Em 4. And he's fight-ing for De-moc-ra-cy and he's fight-ing for the Reds C D G He says it's for the peace of all C D G Em He's the one who must de-cide who's to live and who's to die C Am7 D And he ne-ver sees the writ-ing on the | wall - | C D G Em 5. But with-out him how would Hit-ler have con-demned them at La-Bau? C D G With-out him Cae-sar would have stood a-lone C D G Em He's the one who gives his Bo-dy as a wea-pon of the war C Am7 D And with-out him all this kill-ing can't go | on - | C D G Em 6. He's the U-ni-ver-sal Sol-dier and he real-ly is to Blame C D G His or-ders come from far a-way no more C D They come from here and there and you and me... 12/8... G Em And Bro-thers, can't you see? C Am7 This is not the way we put the end to war...
Song Details:

- Songwriter: Buffy Sainte-Marie - Indigenous Canadian-American singer-songwriter.
- Date: 1963
- Lyrics Begin: He's five foot two and he's six feet four, he fights with missiles and with spears.
- Performing Artist: Donovan
- EP: The Universal Soldier
Released: August 15, 1965 - Single:
Released: September 1965
B-side: Do You Hear Me Now? - Genre: Folk Rock
- Album: Fairytale (US)
Released: November 1965