You're The One That I Want chords

John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John

Song Key: C Major

Time Signature: 4/4

Tempo: 112 bpm

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner (easy chords)

Guitar Chords: C, E, Em, F, G, Am

Easy Guitar Song: Ideal for Beginners

Chord Chart Legend
C Major E Major Em F Major G Major Am
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
C Major-LH E Major-LH Em-LH F Major-LH G Major-LH Am-LH

You're The One That I Want

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
Intro: 4/4  |     |  𝄎  |  𝄎  |  𝄎  |
                                 (I got)

1. I  got chills   They're mult-i-ply-ing
           F           C
   And I'm lo-sing con-trol
             E                 Am
  'Cause the po-wer you're sup-ply-ing
   It's e-lec-tri-fy-ing! |  𝄎  |  𝄎  |  𝄎  |

                     C             Em
** You bet-ter shape up   'Cause I need a man
 Am                       F
   And my heart is set on you
                     C                Em
   You bet-ter shape up   You bet-ter un-der-stand
 Am                      F
   To my heart I must be true   Noth-ing left

   Noth-ing left for me to do

                   C                       F
Chorus: You're the one that I want   Oo-oo-oo, ho-ney
            C                       F
        The one that I want   Oo-oo-oo, ho-ney
            C                       F
        The one that I want   Oo-oo-oo
                  G                        Am
        The one I need   Oh, yes in-deed |     |  𝄎  |

2. If you're filled   With af-fec-tion 
              F            C
   You're too shy   To con-vey
           E           Am
   Bet-ter take my dir-ec-tion

   Feel your way

                    C               Em
**  I bet-ter shape up   'Cause you need a man (I need a man)
 Am                        F
    Who can keep me sat-is-fied
                    C           Em
    I bet-ter shape up   If I'm gon-na prove (You bet-ter prove)
 Am                         F
    That my faith is just-i-fied

    Are you sure   Yes I'm sure down deep in-side

                      C                       F
Chorus: ‖: You're the one that I want   Oo-oo-oo, ho-ney
               C                       F
           The one that I want   Oo-oo-oo, ho-ney
               C                       F
           The one that I want   Oo-oo-oo
           The one I need   Oh, yes in-deed :‖ (Repeat to fade)     

Song Details:

Album Cover
Album Cover
  • Songwriter: John Farrar
  • Lyrics Begin: I got chills, they're multiplying,a And I'm losing control.
  • Performing Artists: John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John
  • Single:
    Recorded: 1977–1978
    Released: March 1978 (US), May 1978 (UK)
    B-side: Alone at a Drive-In Movie (Instrumental)
  • Genre: Pop, Bubblegum pop
  • Album: Grease: The Original Soundtrack from the Motion Picture
    Recorded: 1977–1978
    Released: April 14, 1978
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