Adam At The Window chords

by Jimmy MacCarthy

Song Key: D Major

Time Signature: 4/4

Tempo: 84 bpm

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner (no barre chords)

Guitar Chords in C Major: C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am

Capo: 2nd fret (to play along with the video in D Major)

Chord Chart Legend
C Major Dm Em F Major F Major barre chord G Major Am
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
C Major-LH Dm-LH Em-LH F Major-LH F Major barre chord-LH G Major-LH Am-LH

Adam At The Window

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
              C           Em           C           Em
Intro: 4/4 |     |  𝄎  |      |  𝄎  |     |  𝄎  |      |  𝄎  |

1. A-dam's at the win-dow
   Star-ing at the ap-ple trees on fire
   Wait-ing for the wind-fall
   That brings the smile of kings and their de-sires
   Door blows in be-hind him
   A floral pat-tern   sum-mer dress so gay
   G                               C
   Burn-ing in the sun-light   Too late to wait,
       G                          C
   For dark-ness won't delay   To steal her cherry lips a-way
      Am                 Em
   So while the careless tongues of sun-light
   Dm               C
   Slow-ly tri-ckle down
       Am                 Em
   The curve of hips, her fin-ger-tips
      Dm               G
   In kis-sing sips we drown
   In kis-sing sips we drown
         Dm            G     Dm     C    G
** A-dam will have his way |     -    |     |  𝄎  |

2. A-dam's on the is-land
   Liv-ing in the land of love
   Sha-dows lurk a-round him
   Drunk on the ro-yal jel-ly of pure love
   Full and ripe the fruit hang
   For when the prince ar-rives he will want more
       G                                      C
   And more and more he will drink   From the can-vas cup
       G                    C
   The son of a swan   Will then loose his plu-me-ra
 Am               Em
   He will wear a new age suit
   Dm                  C
   Haunt the joints in town
 Am                  Em
   And play a silver ma-gic flute
       Dm              G
   And call his lo-ver down
   And call his lover down
         F             G     Dm   C    G
** A-dam will have his way |    -   |     |  𝄎  |  𝄎  |  𝄎  |

3. A-dam's at the ea-sel
   Paint-ing in the wrin-kles and the grey
   Wait-ing for No-vem-ber,
   Ea-sy with the dark-ness of the day
   Smiles a tear of glad-ness,
   And A-dam's at the window once a-gain
        G                               C
   He's burn-ing in the sun-light   Too late to wait
       G                           C
   For dark-ness won't de-lay   To steal her cher-ry lips a-way
 Am                       Em
   So while the care-less tongues of sun-light
   Dm              C
   Slow-ly trickle down
 Am                       Em
   The curve of hips, her fin-ger-tips,
      Dm               G
   In kis-sing sips we drown
   In kis-sing sips we drown
         Dm            G  
** A-dam will have his way
   Dm     C     G             Dm     C     G
 | Ah  -  Ah |  Ah-ah-ah-ah|  Ah  -  Ah |  Ah  |
   Dm     C     G
   Ah  - Ah  |  Ah-ah-ah-ah|... 

   Dm     C     G
 |     -     |     |... repeat to fade

Song Details:

  • Songwriter: Jimmy MacCarthy - Irish singer/songwriter
  • Lyrics Begin: Adam's at the window staring at the apple trees on fire
  • Performing Artists: Jimmy MacCarthy
  • Single:
    Released: 1988
    Country: Ireland
    Format: Vinyl, 7", 45 RPM, Single
    B-side: The Grip Of Parallel
    Label: Solid Records
  • Genre: Folk
  • Album: The Dreamer
    Released: 1994
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A seasoned performer joyfully playing the guitar