The Contender chords

by Jimmy MacCarthy

Song Key: G Major

Time Signature: 4/4

Tempo: 84 bpm

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner

Guitar Chords: G, Am, C, D, Em, F

Chord Chart Legend
G Major Am C Major D Major Em F Major F Major barre chord
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
G Major-LH Am-LH C Major-LH D Major-LH Em-LH F Major-LH F Major barre chord-LH

The Contender

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
               G     C     Em     Am    D     G     Am     C     D     G             
Intro: 4/4 ‖      |     -      |      |    |     |      |     -     |     ‖
        G                           C    Em
1. When I was young and I was in my day
            Am                  C                 D
   Sure I'd steal what wo-man's heart there was a-way
   And I'd sing into the dawn-ing
   Saw a blaze into the morn-ing
           C              D              G
   Long be-fore I was the man you see to-day.

         G                                     C    Em
2. I was born be-neath the star that pro-mised all
                Am                 C                 D
   I could have lived my life with-out Cas-san-dra's call
   But the wheel of for-tune took me
   From the high-est point she shook me 
          C                   D               G
   By the bot-tle live by the bot-tle I shall fall

     Em              Am      D      G
Chorus: There in the mir-ror on the wall 
      G           Am       D
        I see the dream is fad-ing 
     Em              Am      D      G
        From the con-ten-der to the brawl
      F                                         D
        The ring, the rose, the mat-a-dor...rav-ing...

               G                                C     Em
 3. And when I die I'll die a drunk down on the street
            Am              C               D
    He will count me out to ten in clear de-feat
    Wrap the Star-ry Plough a-round me
    Let the pi-per's air re-sound me
               C               D                 G
    There I'll rest un-til the Lord of Love I'll meet

     Em              Am      D      G
Chorus: There in the mir-ror on the wall 
      G           Am       D
        I see the dream is fad-ing 
     Em              Am      D      G
        From the con-ten-der to the brawl
      F                                      .   D
        The ring, the rose, the mat-a-dor... rav-ing

     Em              Am      D      G
Chorus: There in the mir-ror on the wall 
      G           Am       D
        I see the dream is fad-ing 
     Em              Am      D      G
        From the con-ten-der to the brawl
      F                                          D
        The ring, the rose, the mat-a-dor... rav-ing

Chorus: Instrumental (fade out)

Arrangement Details:

  • Key Signature: G Major - 1 sharp (F#)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 - four beats per bar each with the value of a quarter note (q)
  • Tempo: Moderately
  • Metronome: q = 84
  • Voice Range: E4 - G5
  • Beginners: Easy guitar song with easy chords.

Song Details:

  • Songwriter: Jimmy MacCarthy
  • Date: 1998
  • Lyrics Begin: When I was young and I was in my day, sure I'd steal what woman's heart there was away.
  • Genre: Folk, World, Country
  • Featured Artists: Jimmy MacCarthy
  • Single:
    Released: 1998
    B-side: My Singing Bird
    Country: Ireland
    Format: CD, Single
    Label: Ride On Records
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A seasoned performer joyfully playing the guitar