Beneath Your Beautiful chords
by Labrinth ft. Emili Sande- Beneath Your Beautiful was written by Timothy McKenzie, Mike Posner & Emeli Sande... Timothy Lee McKenzie also goes by the stage name of Labrinth.
- Released: October 18, 2012
- Album: Electronic Earth.
- Music: Key of D Major in 4/4 time at ~ 84 bpm (♩)
- Chords: D, Esus4, Gmaj7, A, Em, G, Bm
- 1st 8 bars: Sheet music for the first 8 bars is displayed below.

ASCII Chord Charts: number=fret, x= don't play, 0=play open, (B)=barre chord
Chord | Guitar | Piano | Chord | Guitar | Piano |
D | xx0232 | D-F#-A | Em | 022000 | E-G-B |
Esus4 | 022200 | E-A-B | G | 320003 | G-B-D |
Gmaj7 | 320002 | G-B-D-F# | Bm | xx4432 | B-D-F# |
A | x02220 | A-C#-E | Bm | x24432 (B) | B-D-F# |
Beneath Your Beautiful
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyD Esus4 Gmaj7 A D Esus4 Gmaj7 A Intro: 4/4 | - | - | - | - | D Em G A D Em G A 1. You tell all the boys no Makes you feel good yeah D Em G A D Em G A I know you're out of my league But that won't scare me a-way oh no Bm D G A You've car-ried on so long You could-n't stop if you tried it | | Bm D G You've built your wall so high That no one could climb it A But I'm gon-na try... D Em G A Chorus: Would you let me see be-neath your beau-ti-ful D Em G A Would you let me see be-neath your per-fect Bm D G A Take it off now girl, take it off now girl I wan-na see in-side D Em G A D Would you let me see be-neath your beau-ti-ful to-night D Em G A D Em G A | - | - | - | - | (night) D Em G A D Em G A 2. You let all the girls go Makes you feel good Don't it? D Em G A D Em G A Be-hind your Broad-way show I heard a voice say please don't hurt me Bm D G A You've car-ried on so long You could-n't stop if you tried it | | Bm D G You've built your wall so high That no one could climb it A But I'm gon-na try D Em G A Chorus: Would you let me see be-neath your beau-ti-ful D Em G A Would you let me see be-neath your per-fect Bm D G A Take it off now boy, take it off now boy I wan-na see in-side D Em G A D Em Would you let me see be-neath your beau-ti-ful to-|night - | G A D Em G A Oh – oh – oh – oh – oh To-night See be-neath See be-neath D Em G A D Em G A | I... | | I... - | - | (To - night) D Em G A Bridge: I'm gon-na climb on top your i-vo-ry tow-er D Em G A I'll hold your hand and then we'll jump right out G Bm Em Bm We'll be fal-ling, fal-ling But that's o-kay G A ‘Cause I'll be right here I just wan-na know D Em G A Chorus: Would you let me see be-neath your beau-ti-ful D Em G A Would you let me see be-neath your per-fect Bm D G A Take it off now girl, take it off now girl I wan-na see in-side D Em G A D Would you let me see be-neath your beau-ti-ful to-night Em G A Oh-oh Oh–oh Oh–oh... D Em G A Oh to-night See be-neath your beau-ti-ful D Em G A Oh to-night We ain't per-fect, we ain't per-fect no D Em G A D Would you let me see be-neath your beau-ti-ful to-night... D Esus4 Gmaj7 A D Esus4 Gmaj7 A Outro: | - | - | - | - | (night)
- Level Of Ease: Easy
- If you want to see how the Intro is played in terms of notes played...
- For beginners, the Intro can be played as | D - E | G - A | D - E | G - A | - it still sounds fine. In this case each chord has a duration of 2 beats, i.e., | D - E | - 2 beats on D and 2 beats on E. This could also be written as | D / E / |
- Please Note: The chords are written on a different line than the bars due to the Transposition feature.
- Song Key: D Major... 2 sharps (F#, C#)
- 4/4 Time: 4 beats per bar with each beat value equal to a quarter-note or crotchet.
- You will notice that bars are sometimes used in the song charts. This always occurs during Intro's, Instrumentals, Outro's etc., to allow for accuracy in timing and chord duration especially if you are counting each bar. This also occurs at the end of a bar where chords are played without lyrics. Bars are also added when there is an alternative 'feel' to the song, in this case - the end of the second chorus where there is some 'ad lib' going on.
- Generally chords are placed directly over words where the chord change occurs on the word. Chords placed before a word means the chord is strummed before the word. The same applies to chords placed after a word. If you listen carefully as you play along you will hear these changes.