Lookin' Out My Back Door chords

by Creedence Clearwater Revival

Song Key: Bb Major with a key change to C Major

Time Signature: 4/4

Tempo: 110 bpm

Guitar Tuning: D-G-C-F-A-d (De-tune each string 1 whole step to play with video)

Skill Level: Beginner

Guitar Chords: C, D, F, G, G7, A, Am, Bb, Bm, B

Extra: Guitar Tab for the Intro can be found below.

Chord Chart Legend
C chord Am chord F major chord G7 chord D Major chord Bm open chord Bm chord G Major chord A Major chord C barre chord B Major B Major barre chord Bb Major Bb Major barre chord
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
C-LH Am-LH F major-LH G7-LH Bm-LH D Major-LH Bm barre chord-LH G Major-LH A Major-LH C Major barre chord-LH B Major-LH B Major barre chord-LH Bb Major-LH Bb Major barre chord-LH

Lookin' Out My Back Door

De-tune each string 1 whole step if playing with video

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
               C            C      Am    F     C    G7   C
Intro: 4/4 ‖      |  𝄎  ‖       |      |    -     |    -    ‖
          (Muffled Strings)

   C                                Am
1. Just got home from Il-li-nois    Lock the front door, oh boy
   F          C            G7           
   Got to sit down, take a rest on the porch
     C                        Am
   I-mag-i-na-tion sets in    Pret-ty soon I'm sing-ing’
   F         C               G7          C
   Doo, doo, doo    Look-ing out my back door

             C                             Am
2. There's a giant do-ing cart-wheels    A sta-tue wear-ing high heels
   F               C                 G7
   Look at all the hap-py crea-tures danc-ing on the lawn
     C                     Am
   A di-no-saur Vic-tr-ola list’-nin’ to Buck O-wens
   F         C               G7          C
   Doo, doo, doo    Look-ing out my back door

        G                                 F               C
Chorus: Tam-bou-rines and e-le-phants are play-ing in the band
                              Am             G
        Won't you take a ride on the fly-ing spoon__ Doo, doo doo
        C                            Am
        Wond'-rous ap-pa-ri-tion pro-vi-ded by ma-gi-cian
        F         C               G7          C
        Doo, doo, doo    Look-ing out my back door

          C     Am     F     C     G7    C     Am     F     C     G7      C
Instr: ‖     |      |     -     |     |     |      |     -     |      -      ‖

        G                                 F               C
Chorus: Tam-bou-rines and e-le-phants are play-ing in the band
                              Am             G
        Won't you take a ride on the fly-ing spoon    Doo, doo doo
        C                           Am
        Bo-ther me to-mor-row    To-day, I'll buy no sor-rows
        F         C               G7          C
        Doo, doo, doo    Look-ing out my back door

                  C         C      C  B  Bb
          ‖             |                   ‖ ... Key change
          (Muffled Strings) 1&2&3  &  4  &

              A      G     D     D     Bm      A
          ‖       |     -     |     -      |       ‖

   D                                Bm
3. For-ward trou-bles Il-li-nois    Lock the front door, oh boy
   G               D                 A              
   Look at all the hap-py crea-tures danc-in’ on the lawn
   D                           Bm
   Bo-ther me to-mor-row    To-day, I'll buy no sor-rows
   G         D               A           D   
   Doo, doo, doo    Look-ing out my back door

           D         G      D     A     D
    ‖             ‖      -     |     -     ‖
   (Muffled Strings)

Intro Tab:

Lookin' Out My Back Door Guitar Tab

Song Details:

  • Songwriter: John C. Fogerty
  • Date: 1970
  • Lyrics Begin: Just got home from Illinois, lock the front door, oh boy!
  • Artists: Credence Clearwater Revival
  • Single:
    Released: July 25, 1970
    B-side: Long As I Can See the Light
  • Genre: Country rock
  • Album: Cosmo's Factory
    Recorded: 1969–1970
    Released: July 8, 1970

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