Midnight Special chords

by CCR

Song Key: D Major

Time Signature: 2/2

Tempo: 62 bpm

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner

Chords: D, G, G7, A7

Easy Guitar song for beginners

Chord Chart Legend
D chord G chord G7 chord A7 chord
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
D Major-LH G Major-LH G7-LH A7-LH

Midnight Special

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
 D                                 G                              D
1. Well you wake up in the mor-ning   You hear the work bell ring
                                A7                                D
   And I march you to the table       You see the same old thing
                                  G                               D
   Ain't no food up-on the ta-ble     And the fork up in the pan
                                   A7                                 D
   But you better not com-plain boy   You get in trouble with the man   

   | (Drums) |
                          G                           D
Chorus: Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a light on me
                          A7                          D
        Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a light on me
                          G                           D
        Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a light on me
                          A7                                      D
        Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a ever-loving light on me
                     G7                                D
2. Yon-der come Miss Ro-sie   How in the world did ya' know
                            A7                           D
   By the way she wears her ap-ron   And the clothes she wore
                     G7                                 D
   Um-brel-la on her shoul-der   Piece of pa-per in her hand
                       A7                               D
   She came to see her gov’-nor   She wants to free her man

                          G                           D
Chorus: Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a light on me
                          A7                          D
        Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a light on me
                          G                           D
        Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a light on me
                          A7                                      D
        Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a ever-loving light on me

                      G7                             D
3. If you're ev-er in Hous-ton   Woah you bet-ter do right
                   A7                            D
   You bet-ter not gam-ble   And you bet-ter not fight at all
                            G7                                     D
   Woah the sher-riff he'll grab you   And the boys will bring you down
                      A7                             D
   The next thing you know boy   Well you're pri-son bound

                          G7                          D
Chorus: Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a light on me
                          A7                          D
        Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a light on me
                          G7                          D
        Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a light on me
                          A7                                      D
        Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a ever-loving light on me

                          G7                          D
Chorus: Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a light on me
                          A7                          D
        Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a light on me
                          G7                          D
        Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a light on me
                          A7                                      D
        Let the Mid-night Spe-cial   Shine a ever-loving light on me...

Song Details:

  • Songwriters: Traditional
  • First Published: 1905
  • Lyrics Begin: Well you wake up in the morning, you hear the work bell ring.
  • Performing Artists: Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR)
  • Genre: Folk blues
  • Album: Willy and the Poor Boys
    Recorded: 1969
    Released: November 2, 1969
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