Fiddlers Green chords
by The Irish RoversSong Key: G Major
Time Signature: 3/4
Tempo: 64 bpm
Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e
Skill Level: Beginner
Guitar Chords: D, D7, G, C, Em
Easy guitar song with beginner chords
Play-Along Video & Chord Charts

Fiddlers Green
Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other keyD D7 G Intro: 3/4 ‖ | 𝄎 | | | 𝄎 ‖ G C G Em 1. As I walked by the dock-side one eve-ning so rare G C G D7 To view the still wat-ers and take the salt air C G D I spied an old fisher-man sing-ing this song G C G D7 Oh take me a-way boys me time is not long G D G Chorus: Wrap me up in me oil-skin and blank-ets C G D7 No more at the docks I'll be seen C G Just tell me old ship-mates I'm tak-in’ a trip mates D D7 G I'll see you some-day in Fidd-ler's Green G C G Em 2. Now Fidd-ler's Green is a place I've heard tell G C G D7 Where fish-er-men go if they don't go to hell C G D Weath-er is fair and the dol-phins do play G C G D7 And the cold coast of Fin-land is far far a-way Chorus: 3. Instrumental for 1 Verse Chorus: G C G Em 4. And when you’re in dock and the long trip is through G C G D7 There's pubs and there's clubs and there's las-sies there too C G D The girls are all pret-ty and the beer is all free G C G D7 And there's bot-tles of rum grow-in’ on ev-'ry tree Chorus: G C G Em 5. Now I don't want a harp nor a ha-lo not me G C G D7 Just give me a breeze and a good rol-lin’ sea C G D I'll play me old squeeze-box as we sail a-long G C G D7 With the wind in a rig-gin’ a sing-‘in this song Chorus:
Song Details:
- Songwriter: John Connolly
- Date: 1966
- Source: Palmer-Oxford Book Of Sea Songs
- Lyrics Begin: As I walked by the dockside one evening so rare
- Performing Artists: The Irish Rovers
- Genre: Irish Folk Song
- Album: Upon A Shamrock Shore ☘ Songs Of Ireland And The Irish
Released: February 1, 2000
Country: US
Format: CD
Label: MCA Records