The Wild Rover chords

by The Irish Rovers

Song Key: G Major

Time Signature: 3/4

Tempo: 180 bpm

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Beginner (easy chords)

Guitar Chords: G, C, D, D7, Em

Easy guitar song with beginner chords

Chord Chart Legend
G Major C Major D Major D7 Em
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
G Major-LH C Major-LH D Major-LH D7-LH Em-LH

The Wild Rover

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
Time Signature: 3/4  
        G           D          G       C  
1. I've been a wild ro-ver for ma-ny a year  
         G            C         D            G  
   And I spent all me mo-ney on whis-key and beer
       G          D             G             C  
   But now I'm re-tur-ning with gold in great store 
         G            C             D         G  
   And I swear I will play the wild ro-ver no more

                 D        D7        G      D         C  
Chorus: And it's no, nay, ne-ver    No nay ne-ver no more 
               G             C            D         G       Em     C     D  
        Will I play the wild ro-ver    No ne-ver no more |      |     |     |

     G            D                G           C  
2. I went into an ale-house that I used to fre-quent 
         G             C        D          G  
   And I told the land-la-dy me mo-ney was spent
     G             D                G             C  
   I asked her for cre-dit, but she an-swered me "nay 
          G          C           D        G  
   Such a cus-tom as yours I can get a-ny day" 

                 D        D7        G      D         C  
Chorus: And it's no, nay, ne-ver    No nay ne-ver no more 
               G             C            D         G       Em     C     D   
        Will I play the wild ro-ver    No ne-ver no more |      |     |     |

          G            D         G            C  
3. Then I took from me po-cket a hand-full of gold
       G            C         D              G  
   And on the round ta-ble it glit-tered and rolled
            G         D             G             C  
   Well the land-lady smiled as she served me the best 
          G           C                D        G  
   What I told you be-fore sure it was on-ly in jest 

                 D        D7        G      D         C  
Chorus: And it's no, nay, ne-ver    No nay ne-ver no more 
               G             C            D         G       Em     C     D 
        Will I play the wild ro-ver    No ne-ver no more |      |     |     |

           G          D             G              C  
4. I'll go back to my pa-rents, con-fess what I've done 
            G           C             D          G  
   And I'll ask them to par-don their pro-di-gal son
       G             D          G            C  
   And when they for-give me as oft times be-fore 
          G            C             D         G  
   Then I swear I will play the wild ro-ver no more 

                 D        D7        G      D         C  
Chorus: And it's no, nay, ne-ver    No nay ne-ver no more 
               G             C            D         G  
        Will I play the wild ro-ver    No ne-ver no more

                 D        D7        G      D         C  
Chorus: And it's no, nay, ne-ver    No nay ne-ver no more 
               G             C            D         G  
        Will I play the wild ro-ver    No ne-ver no more

           Em     C     D     G     Em     C     D     G
        |      |     |     |     |      |     |     |     |

Song Details:

  • Songwriter: Unknown
  • Earliest Date: before 1829 (broadside, Bodleian Harding B 25(2055))
  • Lyrics Begin: I've been a wild rover for many a year,
  • Performing Artists: The Irish Rovers
  • Genre: Irish Folk Song
  • Album: The Irish Rovers in Australia
    Released: 1976 (CA)
    Format: 12" Vinyl
    Label: Attic
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