Puff The Magic Dragon chords

by The Irish Rovers

Song Key: A Major

Time Signature: 2/2

Tempo: 88 bpm

Guitar Tuning: E A D G B e

Skill Level: Intermediate

Chords: A, B7, Bm, C#m, D, E7, F#m

Beginners: Play in G Major with chords - G, A7, Am, Bm, C, D7, Em (capo on 2 if playing with video).

Chord Chart Legend
A Major B7 Bm barre chord Bm C#m barre chord D Major E7 F#m barre chord
Lefties Chord Chart Legend
A Major-LH B7-LH Bm barre chord-LH Bm-LH C#m-barre-chord-LH D Major-LH E7-LH F#m barre chord-LH

Puff The Magic Dragon

Song Key is highlighted - Transpose to any other key
                 A        C#m        D        E7
Intro: 2/2 ‖:         |         |         |        :‖ 
        A               C#m     D            A
Chorus: Puff the mag-ic dra-gon lived by the sea
            D                 A       F#m       B7                E7
        And fro-licked in the au-tumn mist in a land called Hon-a-lee

   A               C#m    D                  A
1. Lit-tle Jack-ie Pa-per loved that ras-cal Puff
       D                       A        F#m     B7     E7     A      E7
   And brought him strings and seal-ing wax and o-ther fan-cy stuff, Oh

         A               C#m     D            A
 Chorus: Puff the mag-ic dra-gon lived by the sea
             D                 A       F#m       B7                E7
         And fro-licked in the au-tumn mist in a land called Hon-a-lee
         A               C#m     D            A
         Puff the mag-ic dra-gon lived by the sea
             D                 A       F#m       B7          E7    A    E7
         And fro-licked in the au-tumn mist in a land called Hon-a-lee

       A                  C#m          D                   A
 2. To-ge-ther they would tra-vel on a boat with bil-lowed sail
    D              A        F#m        B7                E7
    Jack-ie kept a look-out perched on Puff's gi-gan-tic tail
    A                C#m            D                 A
    No-ble kings and princ-es would bow whene'er they came
    D                   A            F#m        B7          E7      A     E7
    Pi-rate ships would low-er their flags when Puff roared out his name, Oh

         A               C#m     D            A
 Chorus: Puff the mag-ic dra-gon lived by the sea
             D                 A       F#m       B7                E7
         And fro-licked in the au-tumn mist in a land called Hon-a-lee
         A               C#m     D            A
         Puff the mag-ic dra-gon lived by the sea
             D                 A       F#m       B7          E7    A    E7
         And fro-licked in the au-tumn mist in a land called Hon-a-lee

      A                 C#m        D              A
 3. A dra-gon lives for-e-ver, but not so lit-tle boys
    D                  A       F#m        B7             E7
    Paint-ed wings and giant's rings make way for o-ther toys
    A                 C#m                D              A
    One gray night it hap-pened, Jack-ie Pa-per came no more
        D                 A       F#m    B7         E7        A    E7
    And Puff, that mighty dra-gon     He ceased his fear-less roar

        A                C#m      D                      A
 4. His head was bent in sor-row, green scales fell like rain
    D               A       F#m    B7               E7
    Puff no long-er went to play a-long the cher-ry lane
         A                 C#m     D                 A
    With-out his life-long friend, Puff could not be brave
       D                  A        F#m    B7         E7     A     E7
    So Puff, that might-y dra-gon, sad-ly slipped in-to his cave, Oh

         A               C#m     D            A
 Chorus: Puff the mag-ic dra-gon lived by the sea
             D                 A       F#m       B7                E7
         And fro-licked in the au-tumn mist in a land called Hon-a-lee
         A               C#m     D            A
         Puff the mag-ic dra-gon lived by the sea
             D                 A       F#m
         And fro-licked in the au-tumn mist 
              B7          E7          A     F#m   Bm   E7    A
         In a land called Hon - a - | lee -     |    -    |     |

Song Details:
Album Cover
Album Cover
  • Songwriters: Leonard Lipton and Peter Yarrow
  • Original Recording Date: 1962 by Peter Yarrow's band - Peter, Paul and Mary, and released, January 1963.
  • Lyrics Begin: Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the sea and frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.
  • Featured Artists: The Irish Rovers
  • Genre: Folk
  • Album: Children of the Unicorn
    Released: 1976 (US)
    Format: 12" Vinyl
    Label: K‐tel
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