Minor 6th Chords


A minor 6th chord consists of a root, a minor third, a perfect fifth and a major 6th. It is basically a minor chord with an added 6th.

The chord can be written as m6 or min6, with m6 being the most common.

The chord formula for a minor 6 chord is 1 - ♭3 - 5 - 6

Example: Calculating a Dm6 chord
  • 'D' chords, are based on the D major scale which has 2 sharps - F# & C#. The scale reads as follows: D - E - F# - G - A - B - C#
  • Formula: 1 - ♭3 - 5 - 6
  • Make the note substitutions by applying the formula to notes in the scale.
  • 1 = D;  ♭3 = ♭(F#)= F;  5 = A;  6 = B
  • Dm6 = D - F - A - B

Minor 6th Chords - RH / LH

Chord Chart Legend Chord Chart Legend
Right Handers
Minor 6th Chords: Am6 - Cm6
↓ minor 6th chords - Part 1
Left Handers
Minor 6th Lefty Chords - Part 1
Right Handers
Minor 6th Chords: C#m6 - Em6
↓ minor 6th chords - Part 2
Left Handers
Minor 6th Lefty Chords - Part 2
Right Handers
Minor 6th Chords: Fm6 - G#m6
↓ minor 6 chords - Part 3
Left Handers
Minor 6th Lefty Chords - Part 3

Songs to try featuring m6 chords:

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